8 most intelligent breeds of cats

1. Abyssinian cat

clever breeds of cats: Abyssinian
Abyssinian cat

Elegant cats from Ethiopia are distinguished by a lively character and playfulness. They are easy to teach to bring toys. They are very inquisitive, but they understand the rules of behavior in the house. True, it is better to provide an Abyssinian cat with a scratch, otherwise it will turn into it a door jamb or a rack.

Such a dialogue about Abyssinian cats was in The Simpsons:

Clancy Wiggum: I’m smart like a cat, right, Lou?

Lou: What breed? I just saw an Abyssinian cat that knew how to switch channels.

2. Scottish Folded Cat

clever breed of cats: Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold

Distinctive features of these cats – a special structure of the ears and the ability to stand on their hind legs. Because of them the Scottish lop-eared are considered one of the most amusing breeds of cats. At the same time, they are also one of the most intelligent breeds, because they are well trained in tricks and like moving games.

3. Cornish Rex

smart breeds of cats: Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex – cats with large ears and curly hair. They are extremely curious: it is important for them to know what each member of the family is engaged in. If you do not allow yourself to follow yourself, the Cornish Rex will be offended. And they tend to be bored with boredom, because of what they often suffer from excess weight.

Cornish Rex love moving games, are well suited for training and need a permanent society of one of the members of the family.

4. Thai cat

smart breeds of cats: Thai
Thai cat

Active and very affectionate cats. Do not tolerate, when they are not noticed, require attention and physical contact. They treat all members of the family well, but they choose the pet to which they are attached most. Thai cats with the help of different intonations and timbre of voice are able to express a wide range of emotions. Even in adulthood, they remain playful.

5. Burmese cat

intelligent breeds of cats: Burmese
Burmese cat

Burmese cats like to “talk”, but not so loudly as Siamese cats. They need caress and attention, as well as regular mental training. They are easy to train and will gladly arrange a demonstration of their skills before the guests.

6. The Turkish van

smart breeds of cats: a Turkish van
Turkish van

One of the oldest breeds of cats comes from the places around the Turkish Lake Van. They like to play with new toys, in salads and even with water. The wool of Turkish wang quickly dries, so they are not afraid of water.

Always choose one master and need his attention. Emotions and needs are expressed through facial expressions and a melodic voice.

7. Bengal cat

clever breeds of cats: Bengal
Bengal cat

Naughty and ingenious Bengal cats are popular due to leopard color. They are clever, but without proper education, they are schooly: they like to play with everything in the house, including electronics. It is known that Bengal cats notice how the owners use switches, and they can change lighting at the most inopportune moment.

8. The Singapore cat

smart breeds of cats: Singaporean
Singapore cat

Singaporean cats are the smallest domesticated representatives of the cat family. They are very observant, curious and always in motion. Such a cat explores the house so that it will know it better than you, and then jump from the most unexpected place directly to you on the shoulders, expressing your love.

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