How to replace Instagram: 7 applications for Android and iPhone

1. Flickr

Flickr is a social network for amateur photographers and professionals. Each user receives a free 1,000 GB of cloud space to store images in private or public albums. With the help of Flickr, you can share your pictures in thematic groups, be inspired by millions of others’ works and discuss the photo with community members.

For each snapshot added to the service, Flickr displays the characteristics of the camera to which it was removed. So, you can view the device model, aperture, focal length and other parameters.

Photos can be processed in the built-in editor and convert their colors using filters. In addition, the service supports the uploading of videos.

2. Snapster

Photo service from the team “VKontakte”, integrated with this social network. With Snapster, you can create different types of albums – public, available to selected friends or open only for you – and upload your photos to them.

The service also allows you to subscribe to other people’s public albums to monitor their content or to post their photos to other subscribers. Among other things, Snapster has an editor and filters.

3. Snapchat

This crazily popular in the West messenger is focusing on the exchange of stories: disappearing photo or video messages. It was Snapchat who set this fashion, after being picked up by Instagram, “VKontakte” and other well-known services. The story can be sent only to selected friends or published to all users in the vicinity.

4. Vine

Once upon a time there was a whole social network, and now it’s just an application-camera for shooting and fast installation of short clips. Video creation occurs when you hold your finger on the screen in the program interface. If you uncheck it, Vine will pause the recording, and as soon as you drop your finger again on the display – the application will resume shooting. The result can be sent to Twitter or saved on the device.

5. Tumblr

Blog-platform Tumblr is most often used to create and publish videos, gifok and pictures. Users can subscribe to friends’ updates and repost their content in their accounts or other services. In addition to graphic posts, Tumblr allows the publication of text, audio and other materials.

6. EyeEm

The backbone of this social service is professional photographers. EyeEm – a platform with which it is convenient to look for sources of inspiration, promote their work and even sell them. The service allows you to edit pictures, apply filters to them and publish photos to a wide audience. You can also post photos for sale in the built-in store and send them to participate in contests that are held regularly in the community.


Another professional community of photographers. In the VSCO application, you can share your pictures and short videos, as well as follow the publications of other participants. You can create and manage public collections of pictures taken by you or other users. The program has a powerful photo editor and a large number of filters. But many of these tools are available only to paid subscribers.

  4 alkalmazás, amely a szöveget lefordítja fotókra

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