AliTools: how to choose the best seller on aliexpress and save your nerves

The expansion of AliTools will make your shopping more relaxed and help you choose the best seller of the products you are interested in. It is available for browsers Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser and smartphones on the Android platform.

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After installation directly on the product page, a small widget will be displayed showing the level of trust, price dynamics and the number of video reviews. More detailed information on each of the indicators is displayed in the pop-up menu.

Seller Rating

The main indicator of the seller’s reliability is the rating. AliExpress calculates it based on the number of positive reviews for the entire time the seller works, but this does not always allow you to determine its decency.

AliTools takes into account many factors, including the seller’s total length of service, responsiveness, the percentage of negative feedback, the conformity of the goods to the description, the speed of sending, and many other things when drawing up their own rating.

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Take, for example, the seller of this popular Bluetooth-column. On AliTools, it has a rating of 91%. This is less than on AliExpress (98.7%), but still enough to trust the seller. He has been working for more than two years, communicates well with customers and describes the goods in detail, and also quickly sends orders. The number of disgruntled customers is only 3% of the total. You can deal with such a store.

However, do not rush to immediately order the goods. There are several important points.

Price Dynamics

Very often on AliExpress there are various promotions. Sellers also like to warm up interest in their products with discounts. Unfortunately, not all traders are honest, they often play on our psychology. Set for a time inflated prices, and then reduce them to the normal level, giving it off as a discount. To understand that the seller is unclean on hand, the AliTools section “Price Dynamics” will help.

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The color and direction of the arrow next to the dollar sign shows whether the commodity is becoming more expensive or cheaper now. The expanded menu displays a detailed graph of the price change for the last three months. And here you can add the product to your favorites. Then, if you reduce the cost, you will receive a notification.

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On the example of the same seller of columns, we can easily determine the nature of the current discount and understand that it is artificial. The seller raised the price to 49.99 dollars for one day, and then arranged an “action”, again returning the price to 39.99.

AliExpress does not remember this, but AliTools remembers well. By the way, with the help of the extension we can find out that the real discounts are still there, so it makes sense to wait. And in order not to miss a profitable offer, you just need to add the product to your favorites by clicking the “Keep track of the price” button.

Video reviews

Description of the seller is, of course, good. But to get a real idea of ​​the quality, it’s worth reading the reviews of other users about the product, or even better – to watch video reviews. AliTools eliminates the need to search for them on YouTube and will show everything directly on the product page. If the video reviews for the selected product are, next to the triangle in the widget will be shown their number.

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For popular products, reviews are almost always there. With the column from our example, it turned out: the AliTools extension found two Russian-language reviews with 4,600 and 3,300 hits (this is also a kind of popularity indicator).

You can view the video directly in the widget in which the playlist appears. There is even a sort by the date and popularity of reviews, which will save your time when choosing products with a large number of reviews.

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Android app

For those who prefer to choose goods from a smartphone or tablet, AliTools has an Android application. It has the same functionality as the extension, it only works a little differently.

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To check the seller, you need to open the product page in the AliExpress application, and then through the standard “Share” menu send the link to AliTools. The application will open and show the seller’s rating, as well as the price dynamics. Well, then you know.


The usefulness of AliTools is obvious. Simple, and most importantly, a free tool will save you a lot of time and nerves, protect you from unsuccessful purchases and help bring any seller to clean water. And the extension will allow you to monitor the discounts and buy the coveted goods at the best price.

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