9 toppings for coffee, which you definitely want to try

1. Spices

Have you ever tried to add a little spice to the ground coffee before brewing? Often cinnamon and nutmeg are added to coffee, but we also recommend experimenting with cloves and ginger or adding a pinch of cayenne pepper.

In Israel and other countries of the Middle East, strong coffee, seasoned with cardamom, is popular. To make it, you will need:

  • half a teaspoon of grains or pods of cardamom;
  • a cup of strongly roasted coffee beans;
  • sugar to taste.

Grind the seeds of cardamom along with the coffee beans and pour them together into a sealed container. You can brew coffee as usual or try to cook it in the traditional way. To do this, pour ½ cup of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add ¼ cup of coffee-cardamom mixture and sugar to taste. Cook on medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then remove from heat and allow to brew for a minute. Pour the coffee into small cups, leaving most of the thick in a saucepan.

2. Condensed milk

The perfect drink in the afternoon is Vietnamese cold coffee. In a strongly brewed coffee, add two tablespoons of condensed milk with sugar and cool. So simple, but so delicious.

3. Syrups

topping, coffee syrup, coconut milk
Annie Spratt / Unsplash.com

In shops now you can find syrups with a variety of tastes. If you prefer strong coffee, it is better to abandon the fruit toppings and stay on chocolate or vanilla. To emphasize the bitter taste will help syrups with almonds or cinnamon. To light coffee syrups with taste of caramel, berries and fruit will approach.

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4. Vanilla or almond extract

Add an unusual flavor to the coffee, which may already be in your refrigerator. Add a few drops of vanilla or almond extract to the drink – and it’s ready.

5. Butter

Recently, coffee with butter becomes a popular drink. We offer such a recipe: 1 cup of boiled coffee is mixed in a blender with 1 teaspoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Do not turn off the blender until foam appears.

6. Unusual milk

topping, coconut milk
Jonathan Pielmayer / Unsplash.com

In the shops you can find almond and coconut milk with vanilla or chocolate flavor, which is perfectly combined with cold coffee. To start, you need to make coffee by cold brewing. We will need:

  • ¾ cups of grains medium-roasted coffee and coarse grinding;
  • large french press.

Sprinkle coffee in a French press and pour 3 glasses of filtered water at room temperature. Leave for 10 minutes, and then gently mix. Cover and let it brew at room temperature for 12 hours. Slowly lower the plunger in the French press so that the whole mixture is at the bottom. If you want, you can pass coffee through the coffee filter. Then cool. Pour half a cup of coffee concentrate and half a cup of iced milk or water.

You can pour the resulting concentrate into an ice mold and send it to the refrigerator. When you want to drink ice coffee, pour the frozen cubes of coffee into a cup and fill it with almond milk.


  • Store coffee concentrate in the refrigerator, but not more than three days.
  • To make coffee stronger, insist it is not 12 hours, but 24.
  • Adhere to the ratio of water and coffee 4 to 1 (or 5 to 1, if you prefer a grain of strong frying).
  • To concentrate the concentrate longer, immediately add sugar to it.

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7. Whipped Cream

Topping “two in one”: immediately and cream, and sugar.

8. Ice cream

The perfect combination: espresso and ice cream. If the usual glare has already fed you, try to do everything on the contrary – to prepare ice cream with coffee. To do this you will need:

  • 5 servings (½ cup each) of mint ice cream;
  • ¾ cup of hotly brewed hot coffee.

Spread ice cream on cups and each serving with two tablespoons of coffee. Serve immediately. Some variations of the recipe include whipped cream or an amaretto shawl (however, any other liquor will also suit).

9. In total there is more

Making coffee is a field for experiments. Try adding some maple syrup, or pomegranate juice, or cocoa powder, or vanilla sugar, or marshmallow, or liqueur (on non-working days, of course). And you will definitely find your perfect drink.

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