How to play games with PSP on iPhone without jailbroken

In childhood, each of us had game consoles, someone has a Dandy, someone has Sega, Super Nintendo, and some even PlayStation or Dreamcast. All of them have long since sunk into oblivion, but sometimes you want to play your favorite games. In this case, we are helped by emulators, which were previously only available on the PC, but over time, when their performance increased, they also came to mobile platforms, including iOS. Now the capabilities of the iPhone are enough to quietly emulate not only the Super Mario Bros.. and Comix Zone, but even games with modern PSP, and without jailbreak.

Previously, we have already told you how you can run games with NES, Game Boy and GBA on your iPhone, today it’s PSP. As before, emulation will be performed in web applications, since, unfortunately, on iOS without jailbreak, the developers’ capabilities are very limited.


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First of all, we need to load the emulator. You can download it from the iEmulators website, follow the link, find the PPSSPP application in the Apps section and install it. The idea is that the developers’ certificates are valid, so you do not have to translate the date, but if there are any problems with the installation – try to translate the date back for a year or two.

Download games

After installation, you can run PPSSPP, but you will not be able to play anything, because there are no images in the bundle. You will have to upload them yourself, there are a lot of places for this, for example Find your favorite game and download the ISO image.


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Now the image needs to be poured into the emulator, it’s very easy. Connect iPhone to the computer via cable and through the “Shared files” iTunes put the downloaded image in the PPSSPP folder (it will be displayed as a normal application). After synchronization, it will be copied to the iPhone.

Running games


As soon as the image with the game is transferred to the device, PPSSPP will immediately detect it and display it on the initial screen. Choose the right game, start and play.


On the screen there will be buttons of the virtual gamepad and stick, which are quite convenient to manage (except for the cipher, at least).

Optimizing Games


Above the center of the screen is a button menu, which contains all the settings of the emulator: graphics, sound, controls and other things. At once I will say that despite the limitations of iOS, the performance is more or less bearable. I ran God of War Chain of Olympus (not the most simple toy) on the iPhone 5s and, in principle, it is playable.


I switched from full-screen mode to windowed mode, because after the menu everything began to brake wildly, including the sound. So in the windowed mode, I managed to play more or less quietly, without even digging into the settings, which there are many.


So if you popashanit with skipping frames and various graphics effects, it is possible to achieve better results.

If anyone tries GoW on iPhone 6, 6 Plus, sign off how it works.

What in the end?

What do we have in the end? In general, PPSSPP emulates games quite well and managed even with such a heavy copy as GoW. Yes, there are certain roughnesses in performance and on older devices they will be more pronounced. Nevertheless, if you want, you can start your favorite game and more or less tolerably play. Of course, it’s not about emulating games at full speed, but do not forget about the limitations of iOS, if you want more – jailbreak and install emulators from Cydia.

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