“Yandex” launched the voice assistant “Alice”

The task of “Alice” is to help the user in solving everyday problems. It will tell you the weather, where to eat, which store to go to, can search for any information on the Internet and run applications at your request. Asking “Alice” a question, you do not have to think through the correct wording – the assistant takes into account the context of the conversation and restores the missing parts of the sentences. And with “Alice” you can just talk.


At the heart of the voice assistant is a neural network, trained on a huge array of texts. She knows fairy tales, stories and anecdotes, but she is also capable of improvising. It is noteworthy that the neural network continues to be trained. If the “Alice” response seems to be incorrect, you can point it out to her and it will improve.

In addition to the neural network, “SpeechKit” helps the “Alice” complex of speech technologies. He is responsible for the recognition of natural speech, and, according to Yandex, the level is comparable with the human. Thanks to the same technology, the assistant is able to speak. The voice is synthetic, but it is based on the voice of the actress Tatiana Shitova.

Evaluate the capabilities of Alice in the mobile applications “Yandex” and “Voice Assistant” for Windows.

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