Google Desktop – Widgets for Windows, which I use so far

I want to share a convenient program that saves me a lot of clicks every day for more than 3 years. This is Google Desktop with Gmail Widgets and Google Docs. Now almost all widescreen monitors, and some do not have one, so the “victim” of the screen space is justified by the functionality.

Download Google Desktop with the widget archive. Unpack the archive, install and run the program. In the settings include: “sidebar” and “always on top of other windows”. Install widgets by running the corresponding files with the gg extension – they will appear in the sidebar.

Here are some of my Widgets:


1. The Gmail widget. It is fully functional, all the basic functions of the mail client are always in sight and at a distance of one click – you can: answer, search, write new letters, view correspondence, view any folders. When a new message appears in Gmail, it automatically appears in the widget. This is very convenient and reduces a lot of clicks while working in Gmail – the existence of Google Desktop on your computer is justified only by this widget.

I even redirected my corporate mail to Gmail. If you only use Outlook, you often do not recognize the letters immediately. It is always necessary that it be launched and it is necessary to open it every time to read the letter.

Since January 2014, this gadget has stopped working. If anyone finds a way to do what he would have earned, write in the comments.

2. Google Calendar widget. You can create events in one click: “Create a new event” and write, for example, “Dinner with Mikhail tomorrow at 11.00.” The widget will recognize the time and the word “tomorrow” and correctly add the event to the Google calendar. If you click on “View calendar”, it opens in the bar. This calendar is naturally synchronized with your Android devices.

  8 Windows 10 programů, které by měly být odstraněny právě teď

3. Google Docs widget. You can open search, download and create documents. The last function shook working capacity, but it’s easy to fix.

We put the extension for Firefox – Redirector and create in its settings the rule:
Example URL:
Include Pattern:
Redirect To:
Pattern Type: Wildcard

4. The Search Widget allows you to search everywhere and with a large number of options.


5. Other Widgets: hours, exchange rates, news, RSS-widgets, calculator, weather, pictures, system monitors, file-managers. I added them to the archive – all of a sudden someone will come in handy. Before closing, a large number of various Widgets were developed for the panel (albeit in most and useless ones), but all of them also vanished into oblivion and even finding them is already problematic.

Of all I need the Weather Widget, but it stopped working – if someone restores it’s performance or finds a replacement, I’ll be grateful. If you open the Widget file in Notepad, then you can edit the code – it’s less simple.

Google Desktop lost support and became unavailable for download on September 14, 2011. Support and development of widgets for Windows 7 was also minimized, but there was never really a real usable widget. And now, it seems, there are no similar programs on Big Computers – although, as Android has shown, gadgets-widgets are convenient.

If you know more similar programs, write in the comments.

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