How to install extensions for Chrome in Firefox

One of the main problems that users of Firefox are constantly facing is the lack of extensions. Very many tools necessary for comfortable work on the Web exist only for Chrome and compatible browsers. Mozilla is also aware of this problem and therefore decided to switch the browser to a new API of add-ons, compatible with the API for Chrome.

The work on the implementation of the new architecture extensions is still ongoing, but you can take advantage of their results right now. The fact is that in new versions of Firefox (48+) there is already a code that allows you to install and run extensions designed for Google Chrome.

To install extensions from the Chrome Web Store into a Firefox browser, you need to do the following:

1. Download the Chrome Store Foxified extension.

2. Go to the Chrome Web Store catalog page and go to the “Extensions” section. Find here what you need, and click on the Add to Firefox button.

Add to Firefox

3. You will see a pop-up window with three buttons.

  • Sign Addon then Install – sign the extension on the Mozilla website and install it in the browser. To do this, you will need to spend a few minutes to create an account at, but you can also use the extension after rebooting.
  • Just Sign and Download – sign the extension on the Mozilla website and download to your computer.
  • Install Temporarily – immediately install the extension in Firefox. It will only work until the next computer reboot.

Chrome Store Foxified

Please note that the tool is primarily designed for developers who can test it with their help in the Firefox browser. At the moment there is no guarantee that the right add-on will work right away on the new platform. However, some of the extensions I tested from the Chrome Web Store felt quite normal in Firefox.

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