10 books to help you learn communication skills

1. “The skill of communication. How to find a common language with anyone “, Paul McGee

Knowledge, high IQ, professionalism – all this is not enough to succeed. You need to be able to communicate your ideas to others and not be afraid of complicated conversations. In the “Mastery of communication” the main emphasis is on the mistakes we make in communicating with other people. The book has many interesting stories on the topic and as much food for thought.

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2. “How to overcome shyness,” Philip Zimbardo

The author of the book is a famous American social psychologist, the organizer of the famous Stanford prison experiment. In his books, instead of abstract reasoning, you will find only a scientific approach and statistics. “How to overcome shyness” is no exception. Zimbardo considers shyness as an individual way of responding to emotions. And in order for you to overcome your complexes, offers a set of specific tips and exercises.

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3. “How to talk to anyone,” Mark Rhodes

Stress during conversation is a natural phenomenon. The main thing is to be able to overcome it. This is exactly what Rhodes writes about: how to cope with fears and barriers, start a conversation, gain confidence and get rid of unreasonable fear that you will be rejected and banished. Universal book on the problems of modern communication.

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4. “We include charm according to the methods of special services”, Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins

The former FBI agent and behavioral analysis expert Jack Schafer tells how to communicate with people and influence them. You will learn to recognize lies, see signals in the behavior of other people, change their opinion of themselves. Another plus of this book: in it there is a part devoted to relations online. Today, most of the conversations with people occur on the Internet, and this communication also has its own characteristics.

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5. “How to talk to assholes”, Mark Goulston

Yes, all of us from time to time have to communicate not only with nice and friendly people, but also with utterly unbearable. And do not be embarrassed by the title of the book: it will be about the category of people with an irrational and dishonest style of communication. Constructive dialogue with them can not be built.

Mark Goulston, a psychologist in business, offers a whole range of techniques: 14 ways to communicate with psycho, 8 ways to cope with insanity in your personal life and, of course, recommendations for working on yourself (after all, we also sometimes lose our temper and may not seem quite adequate ).

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6. “I hear you through and through. Effective negotiation technique “, Mark Goulston

Conversation – not so much the ability to beautifully express their thoughts, how much the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor. Believe me, people like being listened to. This helps them feel more comfortable and confident. The main secret of communication is very simple: when you listen to another person, he will be ready to listen to you.

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7. “The power of persuasion. The art of influencing people, “James Borg

In this book you will not find NLP or advice on manipulating people. Persuasion is the ability to influence a person by referring to him directly and helping him to comprehend the situation. Only argumentation and honesty, no gimmicks. James Borg’s advice is applicable both at work and in his personal life.

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8. “Secrets of communication. The magic of words, “James Borg

Another book by James Borg, which is better to read in conjunction with the previous one. Communication, persuasion and influence are things that are interrelated and interdependent. The magic of words that the Borg writes about is, of course, a metaphor. But there is also a share of truth in it: the words we use determine our success in relationships, work, business. It’s time to learn to pick the right words.

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9. “A strange girl who fell in love with the brain,” Billy Fitzpatrick and Wendy Suzuki

Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki once realized that she was completely unhappy with her life: all the time she devoted only scientific work. But it was the knowledge of neurobiology that helped her to communicate with people, improve her physical form and change her mindset.

At the heart of her technique are four-minute workouts for the brain that help restore strength, improve mood and make thinking more intense. The body and the brain are connected, and if you learn to control this connection, you will literally change – both externally and internally.

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10. “How to win friends and influence people”, Dale Carnegie

Probably, no such selection of books can do without the good old Carnegie. One of the first books on self-help and effective communication. Classics, proven for years.

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