40 congratulations on the New Year, for which you are not ashamed

Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms

From short and capacious phrases we receive excellent congratulations on the New Year. They can be supplemented with their own wishes, or you can simply write on a postcard or in a message.

  1. “The New Year and the mouse rejoice” (Chinese proverb).
  2. “A fool meets the New Year every time worse than before” (a Thai proverb).
  3. “There is an installation fun to celebrate the New Year” (film “Carnival Night”).
  4. “The New Year needs children for fairy tales, losers – as a starting point for a new hope and the rest for fun” (Ishkhan Gevorgyan).
  5. “The New Year is met by optimists, pessimists are limited to the wires of the old” (Mikhail Mamchych).
  6. “New Year’s mood is when it’s good to see even those who made a mistake with the door” (Mikhail Mamchych).
  7. “We have only two real holidays: New Year and Friday” (the author is unknown).
  8. “Another New Year in your life is the best gift” (the author is unknown).
  9. “How you meet the New Year, so you need it!” (The author is unknown).

Congratulations on the New Year: Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms

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Suitable quotations

Saying well-known people is an excellent substitute for a banal greeting.

  1. “New Year’s days, like a magic time machine, are able to bring back even the most hardened skeptics into childhood. Dressed up trees of incredible beauty, bright illumination in the streets, and most importantly – the fluids of a miracle and tales that are floating in the air – they are indistinguishable look, but they are felt by every strings of the soul. And even if you do not believe in Father Frost for a long time, you want to make the most crazy wish and believe with all your heart that it will surely come true! “(Oleg Roy, writer).
  2. “If a person does not take New Year’s decisions, then he will not make any further decisions. If a person does not start again, he will not do anything effective “(Gilbert Chesterton, journalist, writer).
  3. “The wish of” Happy New Year! “The farther away, the more signifies the triumph of hope over experience” (Robert Orben, writer).
  4. “Always fight with your shortcomings, live in peace with your neighbors and let each new year discover that you have become better” (Benjamin Franklin, politician).
  5. “New Year’s is the birthday of every person” (Charles Lam, poet, publicist).
  6. “An optimist is waiting for midnight to see the arrival of the new year; The pessimist is waiting for midnight to make sure that the old year has already passed. “(Bill Vaughan, journalist, writer).
  7. “At any age, the birth of the new year is the best time for a festive greeting” (Walter Scott, writer).
  8. “Tomorrow is the first page of 365 pages of the book. Write it well “(Brad Paisley, country artist).
  9. “If each of us manages to make another man happy – at least one person, everyone will be happy on the ground” (Yuri Nikulin, artist).
  10. “New Year. The time of promises and belief that everything will start again in the morning will become better and happier “(Janusz Wisniewski, writer).

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Congratulations on the New Year: Suitable quotes

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Lifheader blanks

  1. New Year is a holiday that brings us back to childhood. Memories of times when “the trees were large”, faith in the good and the good – all this is important and valuable. Let the feeling of magic, which is in the air in the New Year’s Eve, remain with you forever.
  2. New Year’s Eve is the time when we put a point, turn the page, start everything from scratch. May all that you make in this festive night, come true. I wish I never ceased to believe in a miracle!
  3. The New Year is another chance to start a new life, tune in to new victories, set new, more ambitious goals, make yourself better and stronger. The main thing is to believe in victory. Let all the good beginnings be successful!
  4. Miracles come when you wait for them. Let the new year be full of joyful expectations and fulfilled hopes, positive events and happy adventures, new acquaintances and achievements.
  5. The New Year is a time of discovery. Always be the first! Let all the boldest ideas and beginnings come true. Dream, dare, create: if you believe in yourself and the people who are close, you can conquer the highest peaks. The main thing is to put the right goal.
  6. In the New Year you want to be closer to relatives, loved ones, loved ones. Appreciate those who walk near you, help and support in any endeavor, believes and appreciates, no matter what. Love can turn the world around. It is important to never lose faith in the best.

Congratulations on the New Year: Lifegocker blanks

Lifshaker’s podcast: 5 ways to find out what to give to your family for the New Year →

Good poetry

And better composed not by the home-grown graphomaniacs of the Web, but by well-known poets.

– 1 –

Friends! The new year has come!
Forget the old grief,
And mourn the days, and the days of trouble,
And all that joy was killed;
But do not forget the clear days,
Having amused, fun-loving light-
Golden clock, for the heart of cute,
And old, sincere friends.

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Dmitry Venevitinov

– 2 –

Kolduu, the blizzard-wizard,
Your magic element
Will transform into other worlds
All the land, city, and people.
Meet will be miracles,
So easily, in the crowd of passers-by,
And suddenly the music looks like
People will become voices.

Mikhail Lermontov

– 3 –

Will again foam in the glasses,
Sparks sowing, burning wine;
In modest rooms and lush halls,
With a midnight battle, it’s one thing:
“Happy New Year! With new happiness!” –
The chorus of cheerful voices is coming …
There will be life like a foam of wine, a pearl,
The year to come is like a love call.

Valery Bryusov

– 4 –

Your New Year in dark blue
wave in the sea of ​​the city
floats in anguish inexplicable,
as if life begins again,
as if there will be light and glory,
a good day and plenty of bread,
as if life will swing to the right,
swinging to the left.

Joseph Brodsky

– 5 –

… Around the candle is a halo.
And silence. And sweet to all.
And the old year is less and less …
And now there is no it at all.
And we feel the excitement,
For a year standing on the edge,
Although we meet the year
We are the New Year for our lives.
Dry snow, frost breeze,
He is coming to us for the celebration.
But every year more new,
Our good guest, our New Year.

Konstantin Vanshenkin

– 6 –

They say: under the New Year
Whatever you like –
Everything will always happen,
Everything always comes true.

Sergey Mikhalkov

– 7 –

Swirling easily and clumsily,
The snowflake sat on the glass.
The snow was thick and white at night –
From the snow in the room it is light.
Slightly blows down the fluff,
And the winter sun rises.
As every day is fuller and better,
Fuller and better New Year …

Alexander Twardowski

– 8 –

Every year
As a puff cake:
Layer frozen, melted,
A layer of strawberry and cherry,
On top of the juicy layer of fruit.
Help yourself, and again
New Year we will wait!

Boris Slutsky

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If messages in the messenger and cards you will not be enough, sing a New Year or Christmas song. The main thing is to do it from the heart.

  איך מתרגלים בבית: תוכנית אימונים שבועית

– 1 –

New year comes.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Time rushes us forward,
The old year is no longer in power!
Let all around sing
And the faces are blooming in smiles,
After all, for this and the New Year,
To sing and have fun!

“Five Minutes” from the movie “Carnival Night”

– 2 –

When a young man enters the house,
And the old one goes into the distance,
Snowflake brittle hide in the palm of your hand,
Desire a wish.
Look with hope in the night blue,
The palm of your hand is tight.
And all that dreamed of, ask,
Guess and desire.

“Snowflake” from the film “Enchanters”

– 3 –

Confused with garlands in snowy flour
A city with a decorated fir tree in his hand.
The year flew by, and time all rushes around.
Together with the songs and cries of toast.
All nationalities and ages.
How good that we have each other!
Together we will raise glasses of wine
Under the battle of the chimes to the bottom!

Uma2rmaH – “Happy New Year, country!”

– 4 –

The last hour of December, take a moment.
Let them fly for the seas of love and peace.
And all our hopes
Let it come true one day
In the last hour of December.

“The Secret” – “The Last Hour of December”

– 5 –

Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbor is a friend.
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
May we all have our hopes, our will to try.

ABBA – Happy New Year

– 6 –

We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas

– 7 –

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
Next year all our troubles will be out of sight.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
Next year all our troubles will be miles away.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

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