4 incredibly cool rock bands with female vocals

Sister Sin

  • Years of activity: 2002-2015.
  • Sweden.
  • Heavy metal.

A metal band from Sweden, led by vocalist Liv Jagrell. The Sister Sin business card is the thunderous and aggressive vocals of Jagrell and heavy guitar riffs. If you love rock, then you will not remain indifferent.

The band broke up in 2015, but if you want more Yagrell, you can see her solo album.

It’s a real pleasure to listen to bands like Sister Sin, who just play heavy metal without any nonsense. As in the good old 80’s.

Outburn Magazine, 2014.

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  • Years of activity: 2005- …
  • Sweden.
  • Heavy metal.

The women’s ensemble Hysterica fully justifies its name due to the hysterical-shrill singing of the leader Annie De Ville. However, when she stops screaming, it turns out that she has a clean and pleasant voice. As for music – one of the reviewers of the profile site Encyclopaedia Metallum called Hysterica a female version of Manowar. Good or not, it’s up to you.

Album Metalwar – this is what every heavy metal album should be. Energetic, funny and impulsive.

Encyclopaedia Metallum.

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  • Years of activity: 1997- …
  • USA.
  • Hard rock.

Lizzie Hale and her brother founded Halestorm as teenagers. The band performs a fascinating hard rock, for which you want to dance. And Lizzie Hale, perhaps, is one of the best vocalists on the metal stage.

This is an amazing and terrific performance. Fierce and just splashing with confidence.

Fraser Lury, Classic Rock Magazine, 2015.

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  90 tracks for running, matched on the basis of the frequency of steps and breathing

Crucified Barbara

  • Years of activity: 1998-2016.
  • Sweden.
  • Heavy metal, hard rock.

A delightful female quartet, again from Sweden. Incendiary rock music with a bit of dirty and harsh sound – and the unparalleled voice of Mia Coldhart with a charming sexual hoarseness. Unfortunately, in June 2016 the participants announced that the group’s activities were over. Nevertheless, judging by everything, they still intend to continue to create.

Remarkably raw and predatory delivery of vocalist Mia Coldhart in the metal frame makes the sound of Crucified Barbara especially sincere. These passionate Swedes have great songs like Electric Sky and Do You Want Me, able to win hearts and minds.

House Lawson, Classic Rock Magazine, 2014.

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