How to use Spotify in Russia and Ukraine

Spotify is one of the first streaming music services. It provides legal access to a huge music catalog and the ability to online play tracks without having to buy them. Users appreciate Spotify for successful playlists and accurate selection of songs in accordance with the taste of listeners, as well as for accessibility on all popular platforms.

Officially, the service does not work in Russia and Ukraine, however, despite the difficulties with registration and installation of applications, still in demand among music lovers. In fact, there are not so many problems. Following simple rules, you can safely enjoy music from the 300 millionth Spotify catalog.

How to register Spotify account in Russia and Ukraine

Spotify checks your location at registration, so you can not create an account from a country where the service is not supported. The good news is that the verification happens on an IP address, and it’s easy to override with a VPN.

This is done like this:

  1. Using TunnelBear, Browsec or any other VPN, we masquerade as a resident of the country in which Spotify officially works. The US is quite suitable.
    change IP for registration in Spotify
  2. With the VPN on, go to and click Get Spotify Free. registration in Spotify
  3. Fill out the form and confirm the registration. Done!
    registration in Spotify

How to install Spotify mobile applications

Spotify application

Immediately after registration, the desktop client will start downloading Spotify, which is installed without any problems. With mobile applications is slightly more difficult.

In the Russian and Ukrainian versions of Google Play Spotify there. You can install it on your Android smartphone only by downloading the APK file from the Internet. For example, with APKMirror.

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On the iPhone and iPad, you can install applications only from the brand store. Therefore, you will have to create an account in the American App Store and download the Spotify client from there. It is not difficult.

Applications will work fine. But for the upgrade you will have to download a new APK-file or re-log into the Apple ID. Also, due to the limitations of Spotify, you need to log into your account every two weeks via VPN.

In addition, the free version can not:

  • Save tracks to the device memory and listen to them offline;
  • enable high quality streaming;
  • skip more than six tracks per hour (only in the mobile version);
  • select a specific song in the playlist (only in the mobile version);
  • disable advertising.

All these restrictions do not affect the use of the service, especially on the computer. The Spotify media library is available to everyone in full. However, for 10 dollars a month you can buy a subscription and forget about all the limits.

How to pay for a subscription to Spotify

Buy a premium subscription can be through PayPal or replenishing Spotify account with a gift certificate for the right amount. In both cases, there are some nuances.

To pay through PayPal you will have to create a fake American account. And then transfer funds to it from your main PayPal account, to which a Russian or Ukrainian bank card is attached.

Spotify subscription

With gift certificates is easier. They can be bought on eBay and replenished with Spotify, just by entering the code. They are on request Gift Card Spotify Premium. Buy better with reliable retailers with lots of lots sold.

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