Threesomes: what you need to know, everyone likes


When tips from this article do not help:

  • if you met by chance at once;
  • if you are two guys or two girls who now just want thrills;
  • if you do not care what happens after, you do not plan a repetition and by and large you do not care if everyone will be happy.

Here I will give advice that will help the couple get new sensations and not get burned on it.

Why do you need to make variety in your sex? Passion fades with time, and this is a proven fact. If you are together more than three years, then you already understand what I’m talking about. My wife and I are together much more and still maintain interest in each other. A trio is one of the ways. This article is for mature couples who seek to diversify their sex lives. I will tell about my experience from the point of view of a man.

I’m not here to talk about how to come to this or persuade a partner. I guess your relationship is fairly frank and you talk to each other about your desires. If not – you need to start with another. Here are the articles that will help you:

  • Let’s talk frankly: 5 rules of communication in sex.
  • Say “yes”: the nature of consent in sex.
  • The main qualities of a good sexual partner.

First experience

The first experience of the trio is a test for any relationship. The first time you need to treat each other especially carefully. Make it clear that you are here for each other, the highest value for you – it is your relationship, not the invited party.

If in the process you see that your partner does not like something, pause, drag him or her into the bathroom and talk.

Tell us how you love each other. Relax, calm, inspire – well, you know better what to say to your spouse. And if discomfort disappeared – continue. If not, it is better to finish it for today. You will still have a chance to try.

If you did not have this experience before, do not rush to invite good acquaintances. In the event that something goes wrong, you run the risk of spoiling the relationship with the third party for a long time. If you have any doubts, start practicing with a professional. Look at each other’s reactions. Upon completion, discuss whether you liked everything, and be sure to show how dear you are to each other. It is very important – to understand that the partner cherishes you.

So, you decided. Next you need to decide on the format.



The simplest format is MZHM. It is simple in that this way a woman is easy to satisfy and the business almost always ends successfully.


1. Two men can satisfy a woman much more fully than one. Four hands, two mouths, two limbs. Double penetration. A double pleasure. One of the most common fantasies for a woman is she and two macho (or more). The lady feels like a queen, being in the focus of attention of two men at once.

2. With a certain sophistication of at least one of the participants, this method almost does not require preparation. A woman needs only trust, then everything will turn out on her own. Two men will always find something to do with a woman.

– Why do you like group sex so much?

– Because there is an opportunity to sew.


3. Everyone has heard of the multiple orgasms of a woman. The male organism is arranged differently. Men need time to recover from ejaculation, and the trio of MZHM is an ideal option for this. While one is busy with active activities, the second is resting, and vice versa. In this way, you can ensure a continuous multi-hour extravaganza.

4. There is no danger of transfer of microflora. If the invited man in the condom, then no one will get new germs and fungi. In contrast to the ZHMZ format, where security needs to be monitored much more closely.


1. A woman should trust at least one of the men, and trust is justified. It is necessary that someone could hear: “Stop, I so do not want.” Four strong hands in the heat of passion greatly reduce the degree of freedom of the partner, and it’s easy to overlook that something is causing her discomfort. For example, it is specifically in this position that she is hurt by his frictions. Groans of pleasure and groans of pain are hardly distinguishable, especially if you are little acquainted. There must be someone who can stop the unpleasant actions of a woman, change her posture or amplitude.

Come on, Th you …

c / f “Brother-2”

Or, for example, she was not going to have anal sex. In the heat, two men can easily insist on their own. This is not coercion, no. After another orgasm, exhausted, the girl may simply not be in time or not be able to argue. But then she will say: “No, I did not want this, somehow it happened. I was against it, it’s not pleasant for me. ” And the impression will be spoiled, and there will be resentment. To avoid this, you must set a stop word.

2. In our country, homophobia is strong. Men need to be aware of the fact that they will be in the same bed with another naked man with an erect member. And there are no options to avoid accidental touches at all. If you are frightened by the appearance of the jade neemite rod next to you, if you blush with a suffocating wave, touching something slightly, – refrain from such adventures. Psyche is more expensive.


The format of ZHMZH is much more complicated.

Among men there is a common legend that sex with two women is just wow! Before my eyes there is an enchanting picture: two guris dance, kiss vzasos, stroked each other, sometimes zazyvno looking at the man. Excited extremely, call him to him and, trembling with lust, throw themselves at him.


“Lyosh, but if you want, I’ll tell you,
how would it really be?

– No I do not want to.

– And everyone wants.

– Come on.

“What Men Talk About”

In nine out of ten cases, either one or both women immediately remain dissatisfied and unhappy with the last party, whatever they say to you.

Reasons for weight:

  • the man paid her less attention than she would have liked;
  • the man had been too busy with the second partner for too long, and the first had cooled down;
  • the man was overexcited and finished too soon;
  • one of the partners turned out to be jealous;
  • the girls began to compare themselves and suffer from their alleged physical defects and so on.

The main reason is that the male forces and attention was not enough for two at once. There is a way out, and below I will tell you how to organize a trio ZHMZH and satisfy both.


1. That’s very beautiful. The sight of two naked women in one bed is a delightful sight. Men, with rare exceptions, consider the fascinating lexicon erotica. It’s not for nothing that this is one of the most popular subjects in the porn industry. Most women like this, too.

2. The format of ZHMZH allows us to reveal female sexuality. According to statistics, more than 70% of women are bisexual or would like to try. Not all of them are ready to admit this even to themselves, and of these 70% a significant part will never get this experience. The trio of ZHMZH is an excellent and safe way to explore this area of ​​your sexuality.


1. Easy to spoil. The reasons I described above. A man will have to give his best to satisfy both. This is really difficult, and all three are at risk of being unhappy.

In addition, women are more sensitive than men, notice any nuances of the whole trio’s mood and react to it. One unfortunate joke – and the temperature of excitation falls a dozen or two degrees. Or, for example, a woman usually drinks semisweet, and you bought brut.

And women are embarrassed by each other more than men. “Oh no, she will see my extra pounds on the thighs, horror, rather turn off the light!” ZHMZH – a fragile system.

2. Given the first point, such a meeting should be prepared in advance. If the partners are little familiar with each other, we must get to know each other. Learn taste preferences. Make sure that the invited girl is not afraid and trusts you. Once again tell your woman how you love her, it’s never superfluous. Make sure that your woman does not see the threat in the invited. And other little things, about them – below.

3. In the format of ZHMZH it is necessary to observe increased security measures. To transfer the microflora of the vagina from one woman to another can be not only a member, but also fingers, lips and other parts of the body. Here you caress the vagina of one of them with your fingers. Now before you do another, you need to wash your hands or somehow treat them.

4. Among women there is a significant percentage of those who do not accept sex or even just erotic games with a man of their gender. And if you have a couple in this pair (or both) – they will not like it. You can try: suddenly they wake up interest. Sometimes it happens, but hardly the first time.

How to build a meeting ZHMZH, that all were satisfied and wanted more?

A man to single-handedly satisfy two women, you need to be a sex giant. In our age of poor ecology, such a vanishingly small number. But there is another way: to cooperate.

The qualitative format of ZHMZH is a team game, when two partners are engaged in the third.

Start with the invited girl. Together with your constant partner give all the attention to her. Then, after the culmination and rest, change roles and take care of your woman, again together.

You’re lucky if the partners in your trio tend to be bisexual. Then the idea of ​​caressing two of you with another member they will be cheered. And what if they are strictly heterosexual?

To help you and yourself do not stay idle, they do not need to portray lesbian porn, do cunnilingus or squeeze breasts. Even kissing is not necessary. Enough innocuous stroking on the back, stomach, legs. Kisses of the neck, shoulders and ears. Lask the head and hair. Even just hug, look into your eyes and smile encouragingly, while the man fully caresses her. Believe me, this turns all three, even in the case of one hundred percent heterosexuality.

This method increases the probability of success by an order of magnitude. To do this, it should be understood and accepted by your partner, or better – both girls.

General Practical Advice

There are several important points to consider when planning. Your first meeting will certainly go completely wrong, as you imagined. But still something can be envisaged.

1. Most importantly: all three should like each other. If at least one participant has unpleasant feelings for anyone else – their sex will only aggravate. In this combination, nothing will come of it. Stop and start looking for a partner again.

2. To interrupt the orgy that has gone too far, establish with your constant partner a stop word. Anyone who hears it must immediately stop the action. In what situations it is necessary, I painted above.

3. Some sexologists recommend a few days before the meeting to abstain from sex, and also include aphrodisiac products in their diet. I agree with them.

4. Meet better in neutral territory. Invited partner – a girl or a man – in the owners’ home will in any case feel constrained. If only you do not have a big country house with a bath and a guest bedroom. In a hostel apartment, a tactful person will be bound by the rules of the guest’s behavior, and on a rented apartment or in a hotel room are all equal. In a neutral area, it will be easier for you to relax.

A clean apartment with a good finish is best. Then the hammam. According to some girls, the sauna is good because if there is an awkward pause in the conversation, it can always be filled with the words “And we’ll go to the pool!”.

At worst – hotel room. Not everyone will like to go to the room three together in front of the guards. The most horrible version is the murdered Khrushchev. Do not even consider it.

If you have the opportunity, make sure in advance in the cleanliness of the room. Grab the slippers. Dirty floors and dust on furniture are the right way to spoil the first impression of the evening that has not yet begun.

5. Provide a romantic atmosphere. Soft music, candles, flowers, chocolate, twilight. This is important for a woman, even when you are only alone. And in such a delicate business as a trio, romance is important triple.

If you are not sure that all participants like scented candles, do not use them, take the usual ones. To some people their smell is unpleasant.

You can pick up music yourself or take one of the specialized podcasts, for example the Sexy Lounge.

6. I’ve heard tips to start the evening with watching porn. From my point of view, this is doubtful and strongly depends on the preferences of partners. Solve yourself.

7. Stock up on fruits, water and light snacks. For someone, light snacks are half a banana, for another – half a chicken grilled. Everything is relative, so it’s worthwhile to find out in advance what kind of snack and what kind of alcohol prefer. Food and alcohol are better less and easier. Strong alcohol is excluded. Water must be sure!

8. Stock up with grease and contraceptive in sufficient quantities. Prepare disinfectants like Miramistin. They can handle the hands of men in the process of action, if you have ZHMZH, and the genitals after. Here and here is an exhaustive instruction on how to use it.

I told you about my experience. If you want to add something or clarify – write a comment to this article, I will definitely read and reply.

Good luck, and go for it!

  (ᵔᴥᵔ) How to become a kaomoji master (つ ▀¯▀) つ

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