“My broker”: a useful application for investors and those who want to become them

“My broker” is an application created by BCS Broker, one of the oldest participants of the Russian investment market.

This is a convenient and easy-to-use tool for controlling and managing assets. Simply put, the real exchange in your smartphone. Sounds too loud? By no means, there is no exaggeration here. Let’s talk in more detail about what the application is and who it will be useful for.

To whom it is useful

The answer is obvious – to all who aspire to manage their savings as efficiently as possible. The main problem faced by the vast majority of investors is that this process requires a considerable amount of time. Do you want your investments to bring tangible income? Be prepared for the fact that you have to check regularly with the current quotes and monitor changes in market trends.

It is clear that it is rather difficult to do this: you will not spend all day sitting at a computer, studying stock-lists? In this situation, the application for a smartphone can be very useful. With its help, you can literally at any time and in any place check how things are going, and, if necessary, adjust the investment strategy.

Application Features

For starters – a small video about what kind of application it is. So to say, the minimum you need to know before you study it in more detail.

We move on to a closer acquaintance with the functionality of “My Broker”. First, let’s choose the appropriate investment strategy. To do this will help a simple test of five questions.

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BCS Broker: choosing an appropriate investment strategy BCS Broker: choice of investment strategy, test

The test result is a list of suitable assets with a percentage distribution in your portfolio. If you want to learn about some of the companies that you are invited to invest, a little more detail, tap on its name and study the data: the cost of buying and selling one share, as well as their change in a given time interval.

If you have experience in working with securities and your goal is clear enough, you can skip this step. For beginners the same test will help determine what they generally want from investing, and will tell you what means it is better to achieve the planned.

For the competent management of assets, you must always have access to fresh information about what is happening in the market. “My broker” allows you to monitor the change in the situation in real time.

My broker

The state of affairs in the commodity and currency markets, growth and fall leaders, blue chips, futures, stock indices and quotes – constantly updated reports help to keep abreast of important events.

The situation on the market directly depends on what is happening in the world, so it will be very opportunely to get acquainted with the latest news. “My broker” provides information on several categories: important news, world and Russian news, to conduct from foreign exchange markets.

So, you have a maximum of information. Business for small – you just need to invest your money. If the results of the passed test did not fully satisfy you, the “Invest-ideas” section will come to the aid.

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Here are collected the most interesting proposals, which in the future will bring you the maximum benefit. Add favorite options to your favorites and embark on the implementation of ideas.


Convenient and understandable – perhaps, this is all that you can demand from such an application. Now investment has turned from a complex process into a sequence of actions, for the implementation of which you do not need to spend much time.

Another reason for working with BCS Broker: you do not even have to leave your house to open an account. Open an account online in just 5 minutes, using access to the portal of public services.

As you can see, investing is easy. If you are trying to keep your funds under control and get the maximum benefit from their competent investments, “My broker” is an application that will definitely be of use to you.

“My broker”

LLC “BKS Company”, license No. 154-04434-100000 dated January 10, 2001 for the implementation of brokerage activities. Issued by the FSFM. Without limitation of validity.

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