How to play games with the Dandy on the iPhone without jailbroken

Earlier, the launch of roms of old consoles was possible only on jailbroken iOS devices, but today the situation has changed. Now, with the help of a special website, anyone can play Super Mario or Battletoads right in Safari on their iPhone! And what is important, except for a few roms submitted for review, you can download and run all your favorite games. About all this, but I will tell you more about this in this article.

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Resized-webnes-interfaceTo use webNES, you need to go to the website using mobile Safari, since it does not work with desktop browsers (although it’s likely to be bypassed). On webNES there are several usual games for demonstration, but do not worry, you can download any of your games and play it quietly. This is done in a very simple way – via Dropbox. Fold in some daddy favorite rom’y and connect your account to webNES on the main page (click + and authorize Dropbox). Now just choose the right rom from our folder and go!

webNES-gamesI checked webNES with several of my favorite games and they all turned out to be quite playable, although there were some twitches and lags (do not forget that it’s still a web-based emulator). In addition to portrait, webNES also supports landscape mode, it is activated immediately after turning the device (in this case the buttons of the virtual gamepad will be semi-transparent so as not to overlap the image). In landscape mode, it is somewhat inconvenient to play, since the buttons are transparent, but still close the review a bit. Personally, I prefer to run games on emulators (both soft and hard) in native resolution, without zooming and blurring the picture, so I play in portrait mode in webNES.

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Rad-RacerBy the way, if you started your favorite game and did not hear the sound, do not think that webNES does not support emulation with sound – it simply does not play through the iPhone speaker for some reason. Therefore, if you want to play with the sound, use headphones. As in the case of video, sound will occasionally decelerate decently, but this is quite expected, since emulation at 100% speed is currently unavailable.

Apparently, webNES should work not only in Safari on iOS, but also in other mobile browsers. Devices on Android at hand was not, so I myself could not check – if you try, unsubscribe in the comments, as a result. But the most pleasant thing about webNES is that it works exclusively in the browser. That is, you do not have to download any applications from the App Store or do a jailbreak to install any tweak.

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Yes, you can not call webNES the ideal emulator, but you will agree that this is definitely a step forward. If the project develops, it is possible that in the future it will be possible to play comfortably with games with NES, and maybe even GBA or SEGA. What do you think about this, dear readers? Pretty cool thing, is not it?

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