How to save your favorite flash games to your computer

Whether we want it or not, Flash technology is a thing of the past. The peak of its popularity, it passed long ago, and now we see how browser vendors one after another exclude Flash support from their programs.

Very soon it can turn out that the content placed on the Internet, created with the help of this technology, in general will be unavailable. But Flash created a huge number of great games, which no one will rewrite and adapt to new requirements. Therefore, it is necessary now to take care of preserving your favorite games, if they are dear to you. You can do this in just a few simple steps.

  1. Open the page of the game you want to save, and wait until it’s fully downloaded.
  2. Right-click and select View Page Code.
    Save Flash page
  3. In the new tab, the source code of the page will open. Press Ctrl + F and type “.swf” in the search field that appears.
  4. Now you have to perform a fairly complex task, especially if you are not very versed in HTML. It is necessary to find a link from the search results pointing to the file with the game. Usually it has the same name as the game itself, and is inside the iframe element.
    Save Flash code
  5. Click on the link found with the right mouse button and select “Save link as …” in the context menu. As a result, you should start downloading the game to your hard drive.
  6. You can open a saved game and play it quietly without the help of a browser. In the Windows operating system, this is perfectly handled by a standard media player or, for example, GOM Player.
    Save Flash Gom

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The second way will suit those users who could not find the necessary link in the source code. Use the services of the service, which skillfully analyzes for you any web page and will give direct links to all the elements contained on it. You will only need to select a link to the file with the extension .SWF and upload it to your computer.

Save Flash

Do you have any favorite flash games that would be a pity to lose forever? Share their names in the comments!

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