Many are familiar with the game Just Dance 2015 or at least saw how it is played on the consoles PlayStation and Xbox and dance in front of the TV screens. Just Dance Now – this is the same game, created for those who do not have a console.
However, to play in Just Dance Now, the smartphone will not be enough. It will take a PC, a laptop, a Smart TV or a tablet – any device with a screen and an Internet connection. All actions will occur on the big screen in the browser window, the smartphone will become the motion controller.
To start playing, launch the Just Dance Now application on your smartphone, and on the second device open the game site.
After running the application, you will see a catalog of songs. Now there are 346 of them, the music library continues to be replenished. Songs are divided into categories: “Smile and dance”, “Rythmo Latino”, “Hall of Fame”, “Fitness”, “Children’s Corner”. There is also a search by name.
Before choosing a song, you can see how to dance with it. If you liked the track, add it to “Favorites” or go to “Dance Room”.
To start dancing for the chosen composition, you will need an in-game currency. You can earn it by dancing to free songs. If you want to buy coins for real money, then there is an in-game store for this.
Selecting a song on the smartphone, you will need to enter numbers from the site Just Dance Now or scan the QR-code from there to enter the party. So the application on the smartphone is synchronized with the web game. Then take the smartphone in your right hand – now it’s your game controller.
Stand up comfortably in front of the screen and start repeating the movements of the dancers, as if it’s your reflection in the mirror. If it’s difficult, look in the lower right corner of the screen – there will be a hint, what movements and when to repeat. Each correct stroke of the hand will bring you points, which the smartphone will report with vibration and an audible signal. Have raised the level – have received coins. And do not forget to look at the profile of how many calories you burned.
In Just Dance Now you can play with your friends. For this it is necessary that everyone on smartphones has the Just Dance Now application and that all enter the same “Dance Room” by entering the same code. Hot party is provided!