How to clean the keyboard from the outside and inside

Surface cleaning

Once a month, you need to carry out a surface cleaning. It will remove dust and crumbs (concerns those who like to chew something tasty in front of the monitor).

Turn over and shake the keyboard a little. Some of the garbage will disappear already at this stage.

Take a small brush or brush to paint and brush off dust and crumbs that are stuck between the keys.

To get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places it is possible with the help of a special USB-vacuum cleaner for keyboard or compressed air cartridges, which are sold in digital and household appliances (cleaning products department). The usual hair dryer will do, but only if the keys sit tight and there is no chance that the garbage will simply scrape deeper.

You can only blow the keyboard with cold air.

To remove fat from the keys, walk on them with a paper napkin or microfiber.

In case of preventive cleaning, do not use wet cloths: the liquid inside the keyboard should not be allowed to enter. Maximum – wet wipes for the computer.

Deep Cleansing

Every three months you need to disassemble and wash the keyboard. The same will have to do if you spill something on it.

Method 1: Standard

This method is suitable for cleaning the built-in notebook keyboard.

Remove the keys. Usually, the buttons are fastened with latches. They can easily be pulled off with a paper clip, a flat screwdriver or a knife, starting with the side edge of the key. You need to do this very carefully, because thin plastic is easy to damage.

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How to clean the keyboard: removing the keys
Tech Profis /

Pay special attention to long keys, such as Shift, Enter and space. They are usually fastened with metal clips, so it is more difficult to remove and fix them again. If you are not sure of your abilities, do not touch them. On some laptops, this is not possible at all.

Clean the fixing point. Walk on the joints with a flannel cloth, a wet napkin or a paper towel. You can blow the keyboard from the inside with a can of compressed air or a cold hair dryer.

Do not forget to take a picture of the keyboard before you disassemble it.

Rinse keys with plain water, soap solution or antiseptic. Alternative way: fold all the buttons into a clean sock, tie it, soak it in a detergent, and then hold it under running water.

Dry the keys. If you do not want to wait until the moisture evaporates, use a hairdryer.

First, fasten the big keys, then all the rest. Here you will need a photo that you made before cleaning.

Method 2: Complete disassembly

Take a photo of the keyboard, and after turn it over and screwdriver unscrew the screws. Open the device and place both halves on the table with the inside facing up.

How to clean the keyboard: disassembly

The lower part can be put aside, since it is not necessary to clean it.

Gently squeeze the keys out. Pay attention to the space and Shift, which can be additionally fixed with metal pins. Do not remove the Enter key: it usually has a very complicated mount, so putting it back will be very difficult.

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How to clean the keyboard: removing the keys

Fold all the keys in the sink and rinse under running water or leave in a disinfection solution for a while. If the plastic is heavily soiled, walk on it with a soft toothbrush. Then dry the keys.

Rinse the top of the keyboard under running water, removing dirt with a toothbrush, especially in the corners and junctions. Then let it dry.

How to clean the keyboard with a brush

Secure the keys in their original position. If you hear a clicking sound, everything is all right: the button is firmly fixed.

Connect the upper and lower parts of the keyboard, tighten the screws.

Connect the device to the computer and make sure all keys work.

Method 3: Cleaning after Spilled Liquid

The keyboard on which water has spilled, hot coffee or any other drink, turn immediately and shake well. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Leave overnight to allow the keyboard to dry out. If the next day part of the keys is stuck or not working, use the first or second method of cleaning.

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