How to strengthen your wrists for a strong grip and prevent injuries

Sports gymnastics, rock climbing, crossfit, different kinds of single combats – all these sports need strong wrists. The wrist strength needs to be developed in parallel with the flexibility. This will help you cope with exercises that require not only good grip, but also joint mobility.

In addition, strong wrists will allow you to exercise without pain and injury, if you learn to perform a stand on your hands, walk on your hands, make an exit by force on the bar or rings.

Exercises for the wrists will also be useful for people far from sports. Warm-up and stretching of the wrists will help to avoid the tunnel syndrome – compression of the median nerve between the bones and tendons of the wrist. Warm-up will help relieve tension and will be an excellent pain prevention.

All these exercises will help you develop strength and flexibility of your wrists. First you need to warm up and warm up the target muscles.

Warm-up for the wrists

Repeat each exercise ten times.

Now we turn to the power exercises.

Strength exercises to strengthen the muscles

Lifting your fists from your wrists

how to strengthen your wrists: lift from your wrists to your fists

Sit on the floor, bending your legs under yourself. Put your hands on the floor on the back of your hand, fingers to each other. With the wrists, try to move your hands to your fists. If it turned out easily and without pain, translate the weight of the body into hands and try again. In case of pain, reduce the load.

Do three sets of 15 times. When the wrists get used to the load, you can perform the same exercise in the support lying with your feet on your knees.

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how to strengthen your wrists: lifting from the wrists in the latch resting on your knees

The most advanced option is in the usual lying position. However, it will take more than a week before you so well strengthen your wrists. Do not chase after the result, your goal is to perform the exercise without pain (at first the discomfort will be anyway).

Thrust dumbbells with fingers

how to strengthen your wrists: pull dumbbells with your fingers

Place your forearm on a level elevation, such as a curb. Wrist unfold so that the palm of the hand is staring at the ceiling. Take the dumbbell with your fingers and start lifting it with your wrist.

Start with a small scale and gradually increase the load. Do three approaches 8-10 times.

Lifting the bodybar with a back grip

how to strengthen your wrists: lifting the bodybar with a reverse grip

For this exercise, you need a bodybuilder. In contrast to the neck of the bar, it is easier, so you can do without overstrain and pain.

Take the body-lift with a back grip, bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. Uncover and slightly tilt your hands so that the bodybar rolls onto the bent fingers. At the extreme point, the angle in the wrist should be 90 degrees. With the power of your wrist, lift the bodybard back. Do four approaches 8-10 times.

Lifting the bodybar with a direct grip

how to strengthen your wrists: lifting the bodybar with a straight grip

Grasp the bodybard with a straight grip, bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Raise and lower your wrists. Do four approaches 8-10 times. If the exercise is easy, increase the weight.

Dumbbell Retention

how to strengthen your wrists: retention of dumbbells

Take the dumbbell by the upper part with your fingers. Hold as long as you can – from 30 seconds or longer.

Rotation of hands with dumbbells

how to strengthen your wrists: rotation of hands with dumbbells

Take dumbbells in both hands, bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. In the initial position, the back of the palm looks up. Turn over your hands so that your fingers are on top, and then return to the starting position. Turning back and forth is considered at a time. Do four approaches 8-10 times.

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Exercises for stretching

Stretching on the floor

how to strengthen your wrists: stretching on the floor

Sit on the floor on your feet, put your palms in front of you, fingers to yourself. Move the case backwards, increasing the angle in the wrist. Hold at the extreme point for 3-5 seconds, go back and repeat. Execute 5-10 times.

Stretching with clenching of fists

how to strengthen your wrists: stretching with clenching of your fists

Sit on the floor on your feet, put your hands in front of you on the back of the floor, fingers to each other. Keep your elbows straight, move some of the weight on your hands to stretch your muscles. From this position, pull your fingers to the middle of the palm, trying to clench your fists. Repeat the exercise eight times, rest a little and do three more approaches.

Do these exercises 1-2 times a week, then you quickly strengthen your wrists, increase the strength of the grip and protect yourself from injuries.

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