How to download background images of the Spotlight lock screen in Windows 10

In the Russian edition of Windows 10, this function was called “Windows projector” first, and in the most recent assemblies it was renamed “Windows: interesting”. You can easily find this option in the “Settings” → “Personalization” → “Lock Screen”.

Spotlight options

The main feature of the Spotlight function is that users can express their approval to a particular picture. Thus, in the online catalog of images for the lock screen there are only the most beautiful and popular photos. Many of us would like to download this directory to your hard drive for use, for example, as your desktop wallpaper. A new utility called SpotBright provides this capability.

Spotbright search

After starting the application, you must select one of the types of image search. Fast Search works faster, but finds fewer background images, so I recommend you wait a bit, but still use a deep search.

SpotBright options

In the SpotBright settings, you can specify where to save the downloaded images. In addition, you will find here a very useful feature that will synchronously change the background images of the lock screen and the desktop through the time period you set. You can upload images in portrait or landscape orientation, as well as both versions together.

The application is universal, that is, you can install and use it also on a mobile device running Windows Phone. The program is distributed free of charge, but you have to put up with advertising banners in the SpotBright window.

  10 funkcí Průzkumníka Windows, které změní váš život

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