What to do if you get a fake bill

Do you know what lies in your wallet? It would seem that money and money are nothing unusual.

Take a closer look: are there any signs of authenticity, provided by the Central Bank, on them. There is? So all the notes are real. But what if you got a suspicious bill?

If you understand that money is fake, do not try to pay them off!

For the sale of counterfeit cash, when you know about its counterfeit, you can get up to eight years in prisonThe Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 186. Manufacturing, storage, transportation or sale of counterfeit money or securities. . With a suspicious note you need to go to the bank or the police.

We are handing counterfeit money to the bank

With the counterfeit note found, you can apply to any banking institution“Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and rules for the storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation” (approved by the Bank of Russia on 24.04.2008 No. 318-P). . The employee of the bank will check the money notes and determine to which category they are: doubtful, insolvent or having signs of forgery.

  • On insolvent notes are stamped “in exchange denied”, after which they are returned to you. Of course, in the future they can not be paid.
  • On questionable and having signs of forgery a note is prepared with a note of all bank details and a warrant for the transfer of valuables. You will receive certificates and banknotes to verify the correctness of the data, and then the money will be taken for a check, which is carried out within 5 working days.

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We give fake money to the police

Fake banknotes can be sent directly to the police. Before this, remember how the bill got into your wallet, at what outlet you could get it, who could pay it off with you. You will have to testify.

In occasion of detection of a fake in a site will get a business, will spend special examinations and investigation. When interrogating in nuances, describe under what conditions you have received these banknotes.

Insist that you did not know about the counterfeit banknotes before this fact was discovered. Checks, interrogations and investigations can drag on for a month or longer.

Perhaps you just do not have time to mess with a suspicious bill and run around the authorities. Money can simply be torn, burned or cut into small pieces. But with this there is the possibility that you will destroy the battered or simply old real bill.

In which cases will the money be returned

Provided that they were real. Then you will be called from the bank or police station and will give the banknotes in their hands or credited to the personal account.

If the money on the result of the inspection turned out to be false, there is an opportunity to recover the damage from the person from whom you received it: the store where you turned in the change; bank, in the ATM of which you were making a salary; a person who transferred suspicious cash. But it will be possible to do this only at the trial stage.

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In which cases will the money not be returned

If they turned out to be fake, but where the bills turned out to be in the purse, you can not even remember, though. Alas, in this case, counterfeit banknotes are destroyed in the bank branch or issued to you on hands with a stamp confirming their invalidity.

How to protect yourself from receipt of counterfeit money

  • Choose a non-cash payment.
  • Exchange currency in banks, not in small exchangers.
  • Check the received bills on the spot. If you have a special device (at the checkout or at your personal), check the cash with it.
  • Do not exchange small bills for larger ones in markets, in small retail outlets or at private persons.

And for those who want to remember how to distinguish counterfeit money from real ones, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has launched a training interactive game.

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