8 books for those who want to know about sex all

1. “The Bible for the boudoir. A Guide for Sex Without Borders, Bethany Vernon

If sex is for you – it’s 10-30 minutes in traditional poses, a little bit of oral caresses “for warming up” and rare orgasms, “The Bible for the Boudoir” will open to you a whole world of new pleasures.

You will learn that you can abandon the perception of sex as a short pursuit of orgasm and turn it into a sacred act that gives incomparably more pleasure and satisfaction. The author tells about the features of anatomy and the stimulation of certain points in men and women, discusses in detail the topic of anal sex and preparation for it. He talks about sex toys and techniques: shibari, erotic spanking, the use of temperature and much more.

If you are ready to give up traditional beliefs and shame, accept your body and experiment with it, the Bible for the Boudoir will become a good guide to pleasure for you.

Very often fast sex leads to the fact that the sacred union is reduced to an obsessive, mechanical act that leaves one or both partners feeling a feeling of emptiness, physical thirst and dissatisfaction … By simply improving their sexual skills, lovers will learn how to create rituals that can occur within a few hours, if not days.

Bethany Vernon, “The Bible for the Boudoir”

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2. “The Bible of sex. Revised edition, Paul Joanidis

If you feel some tension, intending to read about sex, feel free to choose this book – the tension will go away from the first chapters. The whole book is filled with light humor, so it’s impossible to read without a smile.

Attempts to define sex are often similar to attempts to introduce a vaginal diaphragm: every time you think you have already done this, the damned thing jumps on you like a ninja.

Paul Joanides, “The Bible of Sex. Updated edition »

This is a real encyclopedia, in which, it seems, any aspect, though somehow connected with sex, is considered. There is information even about kissing and undressing, sexual relations with colleagues, sex in the army, sex during menstruation, not to mention such anticipated topics as orgasm, sexual fantasies, contraception and sex toys.

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Therefore, even if you consider yourself a tempted person, you will probably find something new in the book.

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3. “Intimate gymnastics for women”, Ekaterina Smirnova

Many women go for fitness or go in for sports, developing muscles of the whole body, but forget about intimate muscles, others lead a sedentary lifestyle, which affects the female health and tonus of perineal muscles even worse.

In the book of Ekaterina Smirnova, after a brief theory (what and why develop and how this will affect health and pleasure in sex), a list of exercises for different levels of training is given. In the pictures, they are performed by a dressed woman, and the direction of efforts is marked by arrows, but the descriptions are quite detailed, it is quite clear on what and how to strain them.

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4. “The strawberry on the birch. Sexual Culture in Russia », Igor Kon

In this book you will not find advice and practices, but it can seriously draw those who are interested in Russian history and the origins of our attitude towards sex. If you are looking for an easy humorous book, I advise you to skirt this work. There are, of course, amusing moments, but there are not too many of them.

Igor Cohn describes the history of Russian sexuality from the time of paganism to the present day, tells how sex was in Russia, how the attitude towards sex and body in the Soviet Union and after its disintegration changed, what changes await us in the future.

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5. “Yes! Secrets of Love for Two “, Mantec Chia, Rachel Carlton Abrams, Douglas Abrams Arava

Until now, many believe that ejaculation in men is necessarily accompanied by orgasm, and multiple orgasms – this is the lot of women. Mantec’s book Chia refutes this opinion. The Daoist teacher and Qigong master has taught the Western world for many years the Taoist practices of love, which reveal the sexuality of people of both sexes and give amazing sensations.

Ejaculatory orgasm is similar to an exciting flight, but after you experience a prolonged and ecstatic acrobatics of aerobatics of multiple orgasms, the usual ejaculatory planting will disappoint you with its simplicity and unpretentiousness.

Mantec Chia, “Yes! Secrets of love for two “

The author tells and proves, on the example of Western studies and oriental practices, that multiple orgasms in men are not a myth, that it is accessible to all and useful for health. Also in the book there are techniques for achieving pleasure for both partners, a chapter for homosexuals, a story about how to keep an attraction for a partner for many years and ways to cope with problems such as impotence and premature ejaculation.

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6. “Sexuality, love and gestalt”, Brigitte Martel

This book is devoted to psychological problems that interfere with sexual life. Brigitte Martel, a French psychotherapist with extensive experience in individual and group sessions, talks about the problems often encountered in her clients: the lack of orgasm in women, premature ejaculation in men, the loss of sexual desire in a couple and many other troubles successfully helped to cope with Gestalt- therapy.

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There are no complicated terms, confusing explanations and theories. Everything is simple and obvious, supported by real examples and very interesting. Perhaps you will find out your situation in the history of one of Bridget’s patients and you will understand in what direction to move. In addition, the book helps to understand that any of your problems in sex are solved.

This book is primarily for you – those who started their sex life with trauma, who were suppressed by upbringing, who lost their sexual interest or began to treat sexual life as a debt … but also for those who aspire to the fullness of experiencing their sexuality …

Brigitte Martel, “Sexuality, Love and Gestalt”

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7. “As a woman wants. Master-class on the science of sex “, Emily Nagoski

The author of the book reveals all aspects of female sexuality: from anatomical features and ending with a social and cultural context. You will learn how excitement arises, what factors affect pleasure, how to reach orgasm and why it does not work.

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8. “Masters and Johnson about love and sex”, William Masters, Virginia Johnson

A sex guide covering various aspects: the anatomy of the genitals, sexuality at different ages, from childhood to old age, sexual techniques and behavior, heterosexuality, homosexuality, sexual fantasies and much more.

There are no specific techniques for enhancing pleasure and obtaining orgasm, but there are many other information that can be useful for broadening your horizons. The book is best suited teenagers and those who are little interested in the topic of sex and wants to expand their knowledge in this area.

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