Erotic art shibari: how and why bind your partner

What is shibari

The art of shibari originates in the Japanese fighting techniques of jogging jutsu. Their goal was not only to immobilize the captive, but also to emphasize his social status – for this different methods of tying were used. With the end of wars, the techniques of bondage migrated to ordinary life: the captives were replaced by women, and the process itself was valued for the beauty of the harness.

Now shibari is first of all the skill of an aesthetic rope bandage, not devoid of meditative properties. And certainly, it has an erotic overtones: shibari can be used to fix a partner (more often, but not necessarily a woman). In addition, individual strapping elements can affect its erogenous zones.

How to apply this technique in your personal life, everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to remember: above all, mutual desire and, especially at first, caution. All the rest largely depends on your imagination.

What is shibari

How to choose ropes for shibari


The ropes are of two types: natural and synthetic. The latter are more wear-resistant, but still are not the best option: they hold the knot worse and can leave burns on the skin.

With ropes made of natural materials, everything is also not so simple. Cotton – the softest, but this is what can be a problem for fans of thrill. Linen ropes are also soft, but sometimes they can contain solid inclusions that can damage the skin.

Classics of the genre are jute ropes. They are rather soft, so as not to cause injuries, but also moderately rough, so that a person feels fixation.

Ropes for shibari can be made of other natural materials. Make your choice based on your own feelings and feelings of the partner. And better buy processed ropes in specialized stores.

Size, length, quantity

In order not to get confused in a variety of sizes, to begin with, select medium thickness ropes: 6-8 mm. Thinner options will not look so beautiful and crash into the body. With thicker work harder, and they are used more often to distribute a strong load (for example, when suspended, and this is definitely not the first step in shibari).

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As for length, two-three-meter ropes are convenient for tying hands and feet. Ropes of 8-12 meters in length are used for chest and hip straps, and longer cuts are needed for tying the entire body.

The number of ropes depends on the length (as a rule, the longer, the less they are needed) and the number of knots and the tightness of the strapping. Simply put, you can tie one knot with one short rope. But if you want to create a complex pattern, it will take two or three, or even more.

With what elements to begin

The basic elements of shibari are the binding of the arms, legs, chest and fixation of the whole body. It is better to start with something simple, using manuals or your own imagination. In the end, shibari is an art, the only proper binding technique does not exist.

Linking the hands of the knot “stirrup”

This node is quite reliable and does not tighten by itself, which reduces the chance of accidental injury. It is better to start with him.

Fold the rope in half and connect it to the knot, as shown in the picture. Push the partner’s wrists into the hole where the middle and ring fingers are located, and adjust the loop tension. The rope must be firmly pressed against each other’s hands, but not to cause pain.

Elements of shibari: knot

Secure the loop with a few simple knots. They should lie flat, without overlaps.

Elements of shibari: knot

Similarly, you can tie one wrist or tie your hands behind your back.

Binding of feet

Tie the rope to the ankle lying on the back of the partner knot “stirrup”.

Elements of shibari: bound legs

Ask the partner to bend the knee as much as possible in the knee, you can still move it a couple of centimeters by an effortless effort. The rope is wrapped around the outside of the thigh, then along the inner, back to the ankle.

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Elements of shibari: bound legs

Now, pass the rope under the already lying turn behind the knots that fix the tied ankle. Make another turn around the leg, but in the opposite direction. He must gently place himself on top of the first coil with the same tension.

Elements of shibari: bound legs

As in the previous case, pass the rope under the already lying turn and change the direction again. The next turn is placed towards the middle of the thigh and with a slightly lower tension. The rope again makes a turn, comes to the beginning of the coil, is passed under it and is conducted in the opposite direction.

Elements of shibari: bound legs

Make a new turn above the previous one, close to it and with the same tension. At the point of inflection, pass the rope under the previous turn. Then secure it with the knot and take it down.

Elements of shibari: bound legs

Now mute pull the two lower turns of the rope from the inside of the thigh to tighten the leg.

Elements of shibari: bound legs

The final step: pass the rope between the thigh and lower leg, wrap around the lower coils and pull it back with a slight pull. Secure the rope with a knot. The harness is ready.

Elements of shibari: bound legs

Detailed instructions on how to perform other types of nodes and various straps are provided on this site. Also interesting video tutorials can be found on this YouTube channel.

Safety precautions

Possible problems

Nerve damage is one of the most common injuries. No less dangerous to squeeze the vessels. Therefore, if a person has problems with nerves or vessels (or a predisposition to them), it is worthwhile to think again before practicing shibari.

Either way, there are points that need to be treated with particular care:

  1. Radial nerve on the outside of the arm between the triceps and the deltoid muscle. It is better to put ropes below this area.
  2. Brachial plexus in the armpit. It is better not to use this area at all.
  3. Neck. This zone is also banned: you can banally provoke suffocation.
  4. Wrists. It is necessary to bind without excess pressure, so as not to damage the nerves.
  5. The femoral artery is approximately 10 cm below the inguinal region. It should not be too tightened with ropes and knots.

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Diabetes, asthma, problems with joints or pressure – all this too can be a contraindication to shibari. Well, or, at least, about these diseases must be reported in advance.


Communication is an important condition for any action that involves restricting traffic. First, the partners must first discuss what they want and follow these agreements. Trust is the basis of any such practices.

Secondly, in the process of binding submissives (the one to whom they bind) should give feedback: which posture and degree of fixation is permissible, does pain arise, how much it can be tolerated.

Pain must be reported immediately, and not waiting until it becomes unbearable.

In addition, the associated person can not be left alone. After the session shibari need to stay close to the partner, support him, if necessary. After binding, people can have a variety of psychological reactions.

Necessary things

  1. Scissors to cut a rope in an emergency.
  2. First-aid kit if medical assistance is required.
  3. A dressing gown or a blanket to throw it on the partner after the session.
  4. A small supply of water and food: the process of binding can be delayed, and after it a good refreshment.

Do shibari in a good state of mind and body. In advance, satisfy all basic needs. And do not drink alcohol or drugs (before, during, or better and after).

In the rest, try to rely on your prudence, train more and just have fun.

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