How to cook squid so that the meat is tender

How quickly to clean squid

If you have squid with heads and tentacles, you first need to get rid of all inedible parts.

How to cook squid
Toshiyuki IMAI /

Take the squid carcass in one hand, the other grasp the head in the eye area. Gently pull – together with the head and tentacles you remove a part of the viscera. The rest can be removed when you remove the skin.

How to clean squid
That’s how to remove the insides of squids

Tentacles are usually thrown together with the head, but they can be used. To do this, cut them near the eyes. Be sure to remove the mouth of the squid – it’s solid, hiding among the tentacles.

But it’s not usually necessary to mess around with this. In stores, as a rule, frozen squid is sold in a semi-finished form: without heads and tentacles.

The carcasses (biologists would say – the mantle) are covered with a red and white film, which it is troublesome to clean with a knife and for a long time.

How to clean squid
Not always it is possible to pull off a squid with a stocking

To quickly clean the squid, they need to be given with boiling water, hold in hot water for about a minute and rinse under running water. Some mistresses come with carcasses as with macaroni: pour boiling water in a colander and immediately turn on cold water.

Under the influence of high temperature, the skin can easily and quickly come off the carcass. You will only have to remove the residue from washing. Further squids can be cut along to remove the chitinous plate and the entrails.

How to clean squid
Squid has a transparent “spine”, similar to a piece of plastic

But you can not break the cylindrical form of the mantle: the insides and chitinous plate are easily removed by fingers. Whole squid can be stuffed or cut into rings.

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How to cook squid

Method 1. “Cold Start”

Peel the squid in a saucepan with cold water. Put the dishes on the stove and turn on the middle fire. When the water warms up, a little salt, and when it boils, immediately turn off and catch the carcass.

Like many other seafood, squid poorly tolerate heat treatment. If the shellfish is to cook for a long time, the meat will be stiff, like a rubber sole.

The main secret of cooking squid is not to digest.

It is important not to miss the moment of boiling. You just need not leave the pan.

Method 2: Boiling in hot water

Lightly salted water bring to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, start the squid. Boiling for a while stops, but as soon as it resumes, you must immediately turn it off.

It is also very important not to overexpose the meat in boiling water.

Method 3. Filling with boiling water

Many people consider this method to be the most correct and say that the squid cooked in this way is the most delicate and tasty.

You need to fill in three times. The first is the time when you squid the squid with boiling water to get rid of the skin.

The second time you need to leave the cleaned shellfish in boiling water for one minute. After this, rinse the carcass with water and boil the kettle once more. After the third pouring (holding time is also 60 seconds) and washing squid ready for use. With each pouring in a bowl, you can add salt.

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Some housewives immediately cut or stuff them. Others remove from the carcasses still a transparent film.

Preparation of squid
Without this film, the squid is softer

Method 4. Combined

The highlight of this method is that the squid is prepared immediately. The step of skinning is combined with the process of boiling.

Salt boiling water: about 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water. Put the defrozen squid in it. You will see how the robes of mollusks become voluminous and they will come off a red and white film.

Wait for the boiling to stop and resume 1.5-2.5 minutes. Cook the squid with a boiling, without covering the lid. After the specified time, the pan should be removed from the fire and closed with a lid.

Allow the squid to cool for 10-15 minutes. After this, rinse them under running water, remove the rests of the hide, the entrails and the chord plate.

Alternatively, you can immediately put the carcasses in a bowl of cold water, thereby stopping the heat treatment.

Boiled squid can be used in salads, fry in rings in batter, stuffed with various fillings.

How to cook squid
Kevin /

The described methods of preparation of squid are very simple and take up a minimum of time. Try all four to understand, at what squid are obtained, to your taste, is the most tender.

Do you know the other secrets of cooking squid? Share in the comments.

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