How to count how many wallpapers you need

What determines the number of wallpapers

From the size of the room (about this below) and from the design. In one roll, usually 10 meters. If the wallpaper is monochrome, and the ceiling height is 2.5 meters, you can cut the roll into four strips. If the picture has to be customized, the stripes will be three.

Free Docking

How to count how many wallpapers you need: Free docking

No overlapping of the picture: the roll is simply cut to the right number of panels. Usually it is a monophonic wallpaper, wallpaper with an abstract pattern or a vertical strip.

Direct Docking

How to calculate how many wallpapers you need: Direct docking

Figure should be combined horizontally so that neighboring bands start with the same elements. And here everything will depend on the height of the rapport – the distance through which the pattern repeats (it is indicated on the label). In the worst case, you have to throw out the almost full height of the rapport, so when calculating it you have to add to the height of the ceiling.

Displaced Docking

How to count how many wallpapers you need: Offset docking

The drawing is located diagonally, therefore each cloth is displaced. Typically, half the rapport. In this case, to the height of the ceiling you need to add the height of the rapport and the offset value: both numbers you will find on the label.

How to calculate the number of wallpapers using tables

This is the ideal way if the room is square or rectangular, and the wallpaper does not require a fit. We need only the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceiling.

Calculation of quantity narrow wallpaper (width – 53 cm, length – 10 meters).

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How to count how many wallpapers you need: Calculation of narrow wallpaper

Calculation of quantity wide wallpaper (width – 106 cm, length – 10 meters).

How to count how many wallpapers you need: Calculation of wide wallpaper

How to calculate the number of wallpapers mathematically

If the room has a complex shape, there are bends and niches, it is better to count on the perimeter. To do this, add the length of all the walls. Window and door openings with a width of less than 60 cm are equated to a flat wall, wider ones are excluded from calculation. The resulting value is rounded up.

Example: 2.75 m + 3 m + 0.4 m + 2.85 m + 4 m + 0.65 m = 13.65 m ≈ 14 m.

Then you need to determine the number of bands: divide the perimeter into the width of the roll. Let’s return to our example: 14 m / 1.06 m = 13.2. We round to the big side – 14 canvases of wide wallpaper. For narrow wallpaper: 14 m / 0.53 m = 26.4. That is 27 bands.

Now we need to determine how many bands can be obtained from one roll: the length of the roll should be divided by the length of the strip. And here there can be three options:

  1. If the wallpaper does not require adjustment, the length of the strip is equal to the height of the ceiling. 10 m / 2.75 = 3.6 ≈ 3.
  2. If wallpaper with a direct docking, the length of the strip is equal to the sum of the height of the ceiling and the height of the rapport (0.6 m). 10 m / (2.75 + 0.6) = 2.9 ≈ 2.
  3. If wallpaper with a combined docking, the length of the strip is equal to the sum of the height of the ceiling, the height of the rapport (0.6 m) and the offset value (0.3 m). 10 m / (2.75 + 0.6 + 0.3) = 2.7 ≈ 2.

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The last step: we need the number of bands divided by the number of strips in the roll. If the wallpaper is wide, 14 should be divided into 3 or 2. If narrow, divide by 3 or 2 will need 27 bands.

How to calculate the number of wallpapers using services and applications

The fastest way, if you know the parameters of the room, and the easiest, if not friends with mathematics. The web has a lot of wallpaper calculators, here are just a few good ones.

  • The calculator of wallpaper from It counts both the area and the perimeter, allowing you to exclude door and window openings from the calculation. You can also specify the width and the diameter of the roll.
  • Calculator of wallpaper from Calculates perimeter. Helps determine how much wallpaper and glue you need.
  • The wallpaper calculator from First select the configuration of the room, then drive the width of the walls and wallpaper. You can also specify the price per roll to see the total cost of pasting.

If you are already in the store, use the calculations for the application. Here are two free with a good rating.

Can I return to the store extra wallpaper

Article 25Article 25. Right of the consumer to exchange goods of appropriate quality The Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights provides for a return total purchased goods, If he did not fit the shape or color. And under certain conditions.

  1. The wallpaper was sold exactly by rolls, not by the meter. In the listLIST OF NON-FOOD GOOD PRODUCTS NOT RETRIEVED OR EXCHANGED FOR A SIMPLE PRODUCT OF OTHER SIZE, FORM, DIMENSION, SHAPE, COLOR OR COLLECTION non-food goods of appropriate quality, not subject to return or exchange, there are finishing materials. But we are talking only about the goods sold in meters.
  2. The wallpaper remained unopened, unbreakable and not scratched.
  3. Since the purchase, no more than 14 days have passed. When buying online – 7 days.
  4. There is a check or other document confirming the fact of purchase. If the check is not preserved, you can request a cash register (stores store it for a month) or attract witnesses.

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In other words, if you do not like the wallpaper, you can take it back to the store. All rolls. In this case, the seller will offer you a similar product, and if there is not one, you can write a request for a refund.

To return one or two extra rolls after repair will be problematic. But large stores usually meet customers. After all, they buy wallpaper in large batches, and plus or minus one roll does not particularly affect the implementation. Customer loyalty is more expensive.

Just in case, please specify the return policy before purchase.

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