Shield from manipulation, or 12 natural laws of yoga

Do you know how the yoga classes differ from Pilates? If very simplistic, it is only an expression of a person. Asanas from yoga and static exercises from pilates are not much different from each other. Significant differences in the state of consciousness. In yoga, any pose, even when your body is twisted with the letter zu, must be performed with a peaceful curiosity, one might even say with pleasure, but not with effort. Perhaps, therefore, many adherents of this teaching have such a simple view of life. Yoga is difficult to manipulate. Their body and mind are harmonious.

Not everyone has the time and the desire to drive themselves into the framework of teaching or religion called yoga. But what exactly is worth learning for everyone, so this is the outlook on life. They are simple and articulated by the guru of yoga Ar Santema in the form of 12 natural laws. They can be perfectly used in the fight against most manipulations.

  1. You need – you do. 
    Every time when the word “must” sounds in the conversation, when it comes to duty or obligations, it is worth asking the question “Who needs it?”. Manipulators like to keep silent about what they want, first of all, for them. For example, the phrase “You need to find a job”, cleared of manipulation, will sound like this: “I need you to stop sitting around my neck and go to work.” But until the boy does not have to go to work, he sits comfortably around his neck.
  2. Do not promise. If you promised, you will do it.
    Remember how often under pressure from other people you gave rash promises. The manipulator will specifically encourage you to give rash promises, and then exploit your sense of guilt. Just do not promise, but if you promised, then do it. Then the next time you think twice before taking on extra obligations.
  3. Do not ask – do not climb.
    It often happens that we, guided by good intentions, do only worse. We simply were not asked for help. Then our efforts are taken for granted. Even worse, when one person asks for another. Helping in this situation, we also violate the law “You need – you do it.” If it seems obvious to you that a person needs help, take the opportunity to learn from him if he is ready to accept it from you. Suddenly the girl, who was stuck in a heel in the drain grid, arranged this specifically to meet that cute kid. And you, the beech, took it and spoiled everything. Could at least ask.
  4. Do not refuse the request. 
    Any request involves gratitude. Manipulators tend to give empty promises or forget about services. Follow the request, but do not hesitate to ask for a return service. Maybe even in advance.
  5. Live the present (and not the past and not the future).
    One of the most important laws, from my point of view. It helps to easily destroy the manipulation of comparison with you in the past. We never want to be worse than ourselves, this is often used by other people. For example, manipulation “Before, you were not so”, it is easily destroyed “It used to be earlier”. Promises of a sweet future, half the promise of the skin of an unfortunate bear immediately cease after the question “So it will be later, but what exactly are you proposing right now?”.
  6. Do not fall. 
    How often do we attach ourselves to a person, thing or occupation? How much this attachment can be strong without putting our mental equilibrium in jeopardy? For everyone, your answer to this question. Just remember: with the help of these emotional connections you are easy to blackmail. Do not let your loved ones become domestic terrorists, do not fall for it.
  7. Do not set a goal (the goal should be a beacon).
    For me it was the strangest law. For me it’s important to be single-minded. To realize his wisdom, it took me a while. That’s why I prefer its wording with the addition of a beacon. If the goal is set incorrectly, then after its achievement, there is devastation. Most likely, this goal is imposed on you from the outside. Therefore, always ask yourself or the people who inspire you to accomplish, the question “What then?”. I will cite as an example one of the favorite phrases of all parents: “You need to get a higher education”. And then what? Be a realtor, a trading consultant or start your own business without higher education.
  8. Do not bother. 
    The most ingenious of all laws. They can and should be used both for themselves and for other people. The phrase “Do not bother, please” is able to create real miracles. The main thing is to say it before you start to feel irritated.
  9. There is no bad weather. 
    The law with the greatest philosophical potential. He teaches us to use every opportunity, including our mistakes. It is formulated differently in other systems. For example, in NLP it sounds like this: “There is no defeat, there is only feedback.” So many others will be happy to remind you of your failures or complain about how things are bad around. With this approach it is easy to influence your mood. In such cases, remember: there is no bad or good, there is only your attitude.
  10. Do not judge, do not criticize. 
    Sometimes it’s very hard to restrain yourself and not criticize other people. Only criticism is not needed by anyone – neither to you, nor to others. Remember this. When you are once again condemned, listen, but do not criticize in return. Here is my clip of questions for such judges: “And what follows from this?”, “How do you propose to change this situation?”, “Why do you think that only your assessment of the situation is correct?”. And better just do not take bad in the head, and hard – in the hands.
  11. Do not transfer information without making it your (experience, skill, skill).
    This law is the most important for the authors on the Lifshacker. If you do not check the information that you distribute, then you become a gossip. Your words stop believing. This is happily used by your enemies. Communicating with other people, specify how they checked the information they are telling you. Most of it is not checked at all, becoming a victim of undercover games or political propaganda.
  12. Everywhere and always ask permission. 
    A law from the field of etiquette. Its use not only insures you from unnecessary efforts, but also creates you an image of a polite person. Just ask with inner certainty, otherwise you will look like an eternally doubting crank. By the way, I involuntarily used this law, offering to ask about whether a person needs help. Similarly, other laws are connected with each other, thus creating a mental shield from manipulation. Use it with a smile, as well as when performing asanas.

  21 sign that your relationship is going to hell

On this, if you do not mind, I’ll finish.

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