How to clean a beer belly

Why there is a beer belly

Beer belly is typical for men because of the peculiarities of fat accumulation in the body: in men fat reserves are deposited mainly in the waist region. In addition, alcohol changes the male hormonal background, which also contributes to the accumulation of fat.

We will analyze the reasons why beer increases fatty deposits.

1. There are many calories in beer

In beer contains from 43 to 45 kilocalories per 100 grams of beverage. If you consider how many beers are able to drink over the evening, his devoted fans, you get frightening figures.

One bottle of beer contains about 215 kilocalories, one liter is 430, and two liters is 860. This is about a third of the daily calorie rate for a young man leading a sedentary or moderately active lifestyle. Add to this the usual food during the day and a snack for beer, which is also often quite high-calorie, and you will get a huge excess of calories.

2. First, alcohol is processed, then everything else

Ethyl alcohol contains about seven kilocalories per gram. Because alcohol is toxic to the body, the body tries to process these calories first, and the carbohydrates and fats that come with alcohol are stored as fat stores. Of course, if you do not have time to spend it.

While the body does not process these “empty” calories, the rest will be stored in the form of fat.

3. Beer changes the hormonal background

According to the research resultsEffect of moderate alcohol consumption on plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, testosterone, and estradiol levels in middle-aged men and postmenopausal women 2004, daily use of beer for six weeks reduces testosterone levels in men by 11.7%.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that promotes fat burning and builds muscle mass.

One old studySex hormones and adrenocortical steroids in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol confirms that after taking large doses of alcohol, testosterone remains low for 24 hours.

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StudyAlcoholic beverages as a source of estrogens 1998 showed that beer contains phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein, which also inhibit the production of testosterone.

The decrease in testosterone directly affects the fat and muscle content. Burning fat slows down, as does the buildup of muscle mass. The fewer muscles, the fewer calories are spent on servicing them, and, again, the slower the fat goes.

4. Alcohol increases calorie intake

StudyStimulation of appetite by alcohol 2001 showed that consumption of alcohol before lunch increases the overall level of calorie intake. After 330 milliliters of alcoholic beer, the participants consumed an average of 1,744 kilocalories, after non-alcoholic beer – 1,548 kilocalories, and without beer in general – 1,521 kilocalories. Taking into account the calorie content of alcohol, the consumption of calories from people who drank beer increased by 30% compared to those who did not drink beer.

Beer belly appears from a combination of two factors: an excess of calories and the influence of alcohol on the hormonal background.

We have understood the reasons, we turn to the methods of struggle.

How to get rid of beer belly

1. Reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum

First of all, you need to eliminate the reason – to reduce the amount of beer and other alcohol consumed, so as not to inhibit the production of testosterone, do not interfere with the body to lose weight and gain muscle mass.

However, a simple refusal of alcohol will not give quick results. To lose weight faster, you need to create a calorie deficit.

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2. Create a calorie deficit

Deficiency of calories is when you spend more than you consume. Calculate your calorie rate and try to stick to this value.

Most likely, you quickly get bored, so try to remember the calorie content of the foods that you most often eat. So you can estimate the calorie content of the menu and keep within the norm. How to calculate the calorie rate and the deficit necessary for weight loss, read here.

Remember the simple rules:

  • Sweet and fat – it’s a lot of calories, it’s better to not eat or eat only occasionally (practice cheat meal).
  • Vegetables, except potatoes, are few calories, lots of vitamins and fiber. You can eat as much as you want.
  • Fruits do not contain a lot of calories. The sweeter the fruit, the more calories it contains. Choose unsweetened and eat as much as you want. Still do not eat much.
  • Low-fat meat (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit) is a lot of protein, you need to eat to grow muscles.
  • Cereals are high in calories, but they contain a lot of vitamin E, fiber and other nutrients. You can eat, but with an eye for caloric content.
  • Bread and all flour is better to exclude. If you can not refuse, eat rye bread, and not wheat: it has less calories.
  • Dairy products contain a lot of protein and calcium. Their caloric content depends on fat content, sugar content and additives. A pack of cottage cheese is good, it’s bad to wash glazed cheese with cream.

So that you do not have to significantly cut back on the diet, and also to speed up metabolism, fat burning and muscle growth, be sure to supplement the diet with training.

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3. Doing sports

The more calories you consume, the faster the fat goes. Good cardiovascular and intensive interval. Strength training will spend less calories, but will provide rapid muscle growth and accelerate metabolism for a longer time than a prolonged cardio.

If you choose cardio, the main part should pass in the “fat burning” zone – 65-75% of the maximum heart rate (heart rate). About how to calculate the maximum heart rate and your target zone, you can count here.

Here are some more materials on the topic:

  • What to choose for weight loss: cardio, interval or strength training →
  • Exercises for weight loss →
  • 13 applications for weight loss →

How quickly the beer belly will go depends on its size, your efforts and ability to resist temptations. Dare, and you will have time for the summer!

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