20+ most expensive App Store apps

You go to the App Store, you see an interesting application or game, but you do not want to spend 129-599 rubles on it. Do you think this is the limit? Believe me, the App Store has such expensive applications that you just can not afford.

Vizzywig 8HD – 5990 rubles

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Vizzywig 8HD – application for shooting and editing video. According to the developers, it allows you to shoot videos with a resolution of 3264 × 2448 pixels. Do you think that 5990 rubles is expensive? This is a trifle, compared to its original price of 59900 rubles ($ 1000).

G-Map U.S. West – 11990 rubles

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G-Map is a navigation system that does not need either Wi-Fi or mobile internet. The application includes a 3D view mode, as well as the ability to convert speech to text. However, it is unclear why to pay such a huge amount for an application that does the same thing as Google and Apple Maps.

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine – 11990 rubles

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Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine is expensive, because it is not an application, but rather a scientific work for those who study medicine. Developers position their product as “the most reliable textbook on medicine.”

Perfect Penalty 2012 – 17990 rubles

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Sometimes, the eyes come across creations that really surprise. Perfect Penalty 2012 is a game that supposedly has “the most realistic graphics”. In fact, many called it the worst game of all time.

Water Globe – 17990 rubles

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I really wanted to get a snowball in my childhood. A toy on a stand, filled with glycerin and sparkles resembling snow. A real one that you can touch and shake, and not an app for 17990! Yes, it is beautifully decorated, you can change the size of snowflakes, but why such money ?!

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TouchChat AAC with WordPower – 17990 rubles

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The application is created for those who have difficulties in communication. For people with autism, Down syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and apraxia.

SafeSession Voice – 17990 rubles

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The application allows you to make secure calls over the Internet. The company assures that calls are protected by voice encryption. To communicate using SafeSession Voice, it is necessary that your interlocutor also installed this application.

Barcelona vs Madrid – 17990 rubles

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A game in which two famous football teams are fighting. The graphics look great, but still it’s not worth the money.

Mobile Cam Viewer – 19990 rubles

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Mobile Cam Viewer allows you to maintain security with surveillance cameras. The application does not recognize all camera models, but several people can watch them at the same time.

Tap Menu – 22990 rubles

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The application is designed for restaurants, hotels, shops and other companies that need to have a digital menu or directory.

iDIA – Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal – 22990 rubles

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iDIA is intended for veterinarians and helps to identify animal diseases.

The Alchemist SMS – 27990 rubles

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The application was not created for sending SMS. It helps to reduce costs when processing metals. The Alchemist SMS also fell in price, and earlier it cost 59900 rubles ($ 1000).

DDS GP Yes! – 29990 rubles

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The application is designed for dentists and allows you to visually demonstrate the patient’s treatment plan.

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Alpha-Trader – 59900 rubles

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Well, we got to the mastodons. Alpha-Trader is created for active investors. The application in real time shows the value of shares, notifies about their price, risks and other important indicators.

MobiGage NDI – 59900 rubles

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The MobiGage NDI application is designed to create, edit and verify parts and assemblies.

Agro – 59900 rubles

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Agro relieves agronomists from the headache over various inspections, crops, chemicals and pests. Although such information could be made free of charge as a simple spreadsheet.

QSFFStats – 59900 rubles

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QSFFStats Tracking statistics Flag-football, one of the varieties of American football. Yeah … tracking statistics has never been so expensive.

CyberTuner – 59900 rubles (not available in the Russian App Store)

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Professional tuner, very accurate and easy to use. The application put one five, apparently worth the money.

VIP Black – 59900 rubles

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This application is for millionaires. It offers VIP treatment from the partners of the company. Before buying an app, it’s worth making sure you have an extra one million dollars in your account.

app.Cash – 59900 rubles

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A virtual cash register. The application allows you to record purchases and print checks.

vueCAD Pro – 59900 rubles

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vueCAD Pro allows you to view files created by the CAD system on your iPhone. Thanks to the application, you can not only view the drawing, but also make and send changes.

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