For the exercises presented below, both rubber bands and ordinary expanders with handles will fit – choose what is more convenient for you.
Some of the exercises listed below, you need to do with short ribbon-espander. If you do not have one, just skip these exercises. I tried to do them with long ribbons, but it’s very inconvenient, almost impossible.
As for the resistance of the tapes, choose the load according to your capabilities. Focus on three approaches for 10-15 reps of each exercise. To exercise was effective, the last repetition should be given with difficulty.
Exercises on the upper body
Hand lifts to the biceps

- Step on the expander with both feet.
- Pick up the hinges.
- Stretch the expander, bending your arms in the elbows.
Exercise for the triceps

- Step on the expander with both feet closer to the heels.
- Stretch the expander behind your back and stretch your arms above your head.
- Bend your arms at the elbows, stretching the expander.
Push-ups with resistance

- Spend the expander behind, take the ends in both hands and stand at the point of lying.
- While pressing the ends of the expander to the floor, perform routine push-ups.
Hand alignment in slope

- Step on the expander in the middle, grasp the hinges or handles with both hands.
- Place your feet shoulder width apart, slightly tilt the body forward with a straight back.
- Spread your arms out to the sides, stretching the expander.
- Lower your hands and repeat.
Single-handed retreat

- Hook the expander for the bar of the horizontal bar or the door handle.
- Pull the right hand in front of you and grab onto the expander. The angle between the shoulder and chest should be 90 degrees.
- Take your hand to the right so that it is at the same level with the chest, do not wind it further behind your back.
- Put your hand back and repeat.
- Perform the exercise on your left arm.
Traction of the expander in slope

- Stand on the expander with both feet, grasp the hinges or handles.
- Slightly bend your knees and tilt the body, keep your back straight.
- Bend your arms in the elbows and take them back.
- Try to pull the expander at the expense of the muscles of the back, rather than the hands.
Hand-laying on the belly

- Lie on your stomach.
- Place the expander under your stomach, and take the hinges or pens in both hands.
- Stretch the expander with your hands, lifting the body.
- For best effect, hold in the upper position for a few seconds.
- Go back to the starting position and repeat.
Putting your hands behind your back

- Stand in the middle of the expander, grasp the hinges or knobs, keep the legs together.
- Keep your hands straight behind your back.
- Return your hands to their original position and repeat.
Standing wrist band

- Hook the expander at the level of the lower back or higher.
- Turn your back to him and grasp the noose or handle.
- Make a small lunge forward, pulling the expander.
- Raise your arm with a bent elbow at the breast level (no higher!).
- Pull out your hand in front of you, pulling the expander.
- Return the hand to the bent position.
- Repeat the exercise.
Bench press on the bench

- Pass the expander under the bench, lay down on it and take in both hands the hinges or grips of the expander.
- The starting position: the arms are bent at the elbows, the angle at the elbow is 90 degrees.
- Straighten your arms in front of you, do not unbend your elbow to the end.
- Return to the starting position.
Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the cortex
Variable raising of the legs

- Lie down on the floor, grasp the espander in the middle, put your feet in the hinges.
- Raise the body so that the loin remains pressed against the floor.
- Overcoming the resistance of the rubber band, turn the knees one by one.

- Place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, step on one end of the expander with your left foot, and take the other end with both hands.
- Lean towards the leg, under which there is an expander, keep your back straight.
- Straighten, pull the expander diagonally, to the right and upwards, until the arms are above the right shoulder, above the head.
- Return to the slope to the left foot and repeat the exercise.
- Repeat the other way.
Side panel with resistance

- Hook the expander by the feet, twist the two ends and take in both hands loops or handles.
- Stand at the point of lying down – the bar.
- Raise one hand and, stretching the expander, make an exit into the side bar.
- Go back to the starting position and repeat the other way.
Exercises for legs and buttocks
Squats with an elastic band

- Step on the elastic and put your feet to the width of your shoulders.
- Pick up the hinges of the expander. To be more comfortable to hold, spend the expander on his shoulders and hold it in bent hands, as if resting on his shoulder.
- Do squatting. The back is straight, the pelvis is pulled back, knees slightly unfolded outward.
- Straighten, stretching the expander.
- Repeat the exercise.
Bend knee bending

- Hook the expander behind the counter close to the floor.
- Insert the ankle into the loop and lie on your stomach.
- Bend your foot in the knee, pulling the expander.
- Straighten your leg and repeat.
Breeding the legs on the side

For this exercise, you need a short expander.
- Connect the legs under the knees using an expander.
- Lay down on your side.
- Dilute your knees, overcoming the resistance of the expander.
- Keep your feet together and repeat.
Steps with an elastic band

- Put on your feet in the area of the ankles a short expander or tie them long.
- Follow the steps to the side, stretching the expander.
- Do the exercise the other way.
Falls with resistance

- Step on the expander with one foot.
- Grasp the hinges or knobs with both hands, pull them by the shoulders.
- Make a lunge forward.
- Crouch on the spot, without putting your foot.
- Repeat from the other leg.
Squats on one leg
- Hook the expander behind the counter.
- Place one leg in the loop, the loop should be located just above the knee.
- Raise the other leg, bending it in the knee.
- Do squats on one leg. The knee should be slightly deployed outwards.
- Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Straightening of the leg lying down

- Lie on your back, put the expander on the foot and grasp the hinges with both hands.
- Pull the knee to the chest.
- Stretching the expander, straighten your leg.
- Go back to the starting position and repeat.
Putting your foot back on all fours

- Stand on all fours and put an expander on one leg.
- Hold the other end of the expander by hand and press it to the floor.
- Raise your leg up, keeping the right angle in the knee.
Side attacks

- Put on a short expander on your feet above the knee.
- Stretching the expander, make side attacks.
And of course, do not forget about stretching after training. Here are some good exercises with the same escapander ribbons.