How to distinguish counterfeit money from these: detailed instructions

All you need to know about money

What is made of money, who designs the design of banknotes, whether the issue of new banknotes affects inflation – these questions will be answered by another lecture from the cycle “Financial Environment”. It will be held on February 28 at 19:00 in the Library Hall at the Vinzavod at the address: Moscow, 4th Syromyatnicheskiy per., 1, p. 6, entrance 4 (Center for Development of Emotional Intelligence).

Entrance to all lectures of the cycle “Financial Environment” is free, but the number of seats is limited, so it is better to book in advance. To make sure you have enough space, follow the link and register.

How much fake money is in Russia?

The Bank of Russia regularly publishes data on the number of counterfeit notes and coins found in the banking system. In 2017, it was possible to find a total of 45,313 counterfeit banknotes. For comparison: for the year 2016 61 046 fakes were found.

The most forged bill is 5,000 rubles, well, and less than all counterfeiters are interested in paper scores and coins of the same denomination. The Central Federal District is leading in terms of the number of counterfeits found, followed by the Southern and North-Western Federal District.

Where does the money come from, who controls their number and how many should be in the country, you can find out on the site

Signs of real bills

The main characteristics by which you can identify genuine banknotes:

  • Notations visible at the lumen.
  • Micro-visors and inscriptions, which can be seen in a magnifying glass with an increase of 8-10 times.
  • Details that change color depending on the angle of view.
  • Relief inscriptions, perceived to the touch.
  • Elements that shine under the influence of ultraviolet or infrared radiation.

To determine whether a real bill is in your hands or fake, you need to check at least three security features of different types.

If you are caught banknotes of the same denomination, differing in detail, do not rush to sound the alarm. Most likely, these are modifications of different years – see the year of issue in the corner of the bill.

What does real money look like?

Now in circulation there are basically banknotes of modification of 2004 and 2010. Earlier variants are harder to meet – one bill lives on average from 2 to 2.5 years. We’ll figure out how to distinguish real banknotes from fakes at home without special equipment.

5 000 rubles – modification of 2010

On the front side of the bill is a monument to Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky on the background of the Khabarovsk embankment, on the reverse – a bridge across the Amur.

On the clearance on the right coupon field of the front side is visible a portrait of Murav’ev-Amur and a digital denomination of the face value. You can see the number of 5,000 of the even rows of micro-holes. To feel this perforation should not be felt.

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counterfeit money: signs of authenticity of 5,000 rubles
Signs of authenticity, visible on the lumen

The image of the far bank of the Amur consists of small graphic elements.

counterfeit money: microimage of 5,000 rubles
Microimages on the front side

Decorative tape in the lower part of the front side of the bill is added a border of microtext – a repeating number of 5 000. In the upper and lower parts of the front side there are fragments filled with inclined inscriptions with a repetition of 5 000.

counterfeit money: microimage on the back 5 000 rubles
Microimages on the reverse side

On the reverse side, you can see two lines of microtext: at the top – a repeating number of 5 000, at the bottom – the text “ЦБРФ5000”. In the upper and lower parts of the coupon fields there is a pattern of fine lines. Without increase, it is perceived as an even field.

On the protective strip, the numerical designation of the nominal value is visible. If you look at an angle, it is noticeable that the individual digits shift relative to each other.

counterfeit money: signs of authenticity, visible when the angle of view changes, by 5,000 rubles
Signs of authenticity, visible when the angle of view changes

In the center of the vertical strip with ornament there is a monotonous field. Turn the bill in your hands and see how it appears red and green stripes. The letters “PP” appear on the decorative tape at an angle. The coat of arms of Khabarovsk is executed in green color, at an inclination the brilliant horizontal strip moves from the middle downwards or upwards.

counterfeit money: signs of authenticity, noticeable to the touch, by 5,000 rubles
Signs of authenticity, noticeable to the touch

The text “The Bank of Russia ticket” and “Five thousand rubles”, the label for people with impaired eyesight, the numerical designation of the face value, the finishing touches on the edges of the front side of the note are highlighted.

You can find detailed information on the banknote security features on the Bank of Russia website.

Banknotes of the sample in 2017

At the end of 2017, the Bank of Russia issued new banknotes, in which he used methods of protecting notes that had not been used before. To counterfeit such banknotes scammers will learn not soon, if at all, to learn. But just in case, we give the main ways to test new money.

And immediately answer the question about why the bills depict the sights of Sevastopol and Vladivostok. These cities scored the most votes during the all-Russian vote.

The design of the bills was developed by the artists of Goznak and the Bank of Russia – they made more than 20 sketches of new banknotes. The color solution was chosen in such a way that the currency denominations of different denominations differed in color as much as possible – it is easier for people with visually impaired people to recognize them.

Denominations of 200 rubles denomination are made of high-density paper with polymeric impregnation, so their life time increases. It is planned that these banknotes will be very expensive, hence the increased requirements for dirtiness – each such note will survive for up to 20 months. This is quite a decent time: money signs with a face value of 50 and 100 rubles live on average 15 months. With a banknote of 2 000 rubles, the life expectancy will be more than 2.5 years.

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The code leads to the Bank of Russia website in the section with the description of the corresponding banknote: 200 rubles and 2 000 rubles. Here you can find the distinguishing features of banknotes, through which determine the authenticity of money.

200 rubles

counterfeit money: 200 rubles
Front side

On the front side there is a monument to the flooded ships in Sevastopol, on the reverse side – the museum-reserve “Chersonese Taurian”.

counterfeit money: the reverse side of 200 rubles
Back side

A protective thread is visible on the left side of the front side of the banknote: a dark strip with a repeated light image of the number 200.

counterfeit money: signs of authenticity 200 rubles
Signs of authenticity, visible on the lumen

On the surface of the front side there are four fragments of the thread. On the bright field to the right is a watermark: a monument to the scuttled ships and the number 200.

counterfeit money: microimages on the front side 200 rubles
Microimages on the front side

On the front side in the upper and lower parts of the banknote next to the security thread is a microtext – a light inscription on the green background of the Bank of Russia. On the right and on the left are the images of the Count’s Wharf. In the lower part of these images there is a repeated inscription “Sevastopol”, noticeable in a magnifying glass. Under a monument to the flooded ships there is a repeating inscription “200 rubles”. The digital denomination of the face value is framed by a curb from the repeated word “Sevastopol”.

counterfeit money: microimage on the back of 200 rubles
Microimages on the reverse side

On the reverse side is a map of the Crimea, consisting of small graphic elements: the number 200 and microimages of representatives of the Crimean flora and fauna. Under the image of Chersonesus there is a microtext: a light repeating inscription “Chersonesus Tavrichesky” on a dark background.

counterfeit money: signs of authenticity, visible when the angle of view changes
Signs of authenticity, visible when the angle of view changes

If you slightly turn the bill to yourself or from yourself, on the security thread you will notice light rectangles that, when tilted, move up and down. Look at the security thread at an acute angle: it will become iridescent, a symbol of the ruble appears on it – ₽.

On the left, on a monophonic field under the coat of arms, you can see the word “Russia”. If you tilt the bill and look at this field at an acute angle, you see the figures of the face value, each of which has its own color.

counterfeit money: signs of authenticity, noticeable to the touch
Signs of authenticity, noticeable to the touch

The letters “The ticket of the Bank of Russia” and “Two hundred rubles”, as well as horizontal strokes along the edges of the note, stand out to the touch.

2 000 rubles

counterfeit money: 2 000 rubles
Front side

The front side shows the Russian bridge and the building of the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, on the reverse side – the spaceport “Vostochny”.

counterfeit money: the reverse side of 2,000 rubles
Back side

The protective thread on the skylight looks like a dark strip with repeated inscriptions of the “CBR”.

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counterfeit money: signs of authenticity 2 000 rubles
Signs of authenticity, visible on the lumen

On the bright field on the right side of the banknote there is a watermark – a bridge and a number of 2 000.

counterfeit money: microimage of 2 000 rubles
Microimages on the front side

In the upper and lower parts of the front and back sides of the banknote is a microtext – the repeated words “Bank of Russia”. Look closely at the image of the university – in its lower part there is a repeating inscription “Vladivostok”. The same inscription is surrounded by a field with a digital denomination of denomination. Under the designation “Two thousand rubles” there is a strip of microtext “2 000 rubles”.

counterfeit money: microimage on the back 2 000 rubles
Microimages on the reverse side

On the back of the note there is a map of the Far East. It consists of small elements – the number 2 000 and images of representatives of the Far Eastern flora and fauna. The background of the reverse part consists of tiny graphic elements of the space theme. Under the image of the cosmodrome, an inscription with the negative microtext “Kosmodrom Vostochny” was launched.

counterfeit money: signs of authenticity, visible when the angle of view changes, by 2,000 rubles
Signs of authenticity, visible when the angle of view changes

When you turn the banknote to yourself and yourself on the security thread, noticeably the movement of the figures of the nominal value relative to each other. At an acute angle there are colored symbols of the ruble on a rainbow background. On a monophonic field with the word “Russia” (it is on the obverse of the left), when the slope appears, the number 2,000 appears.

To the left of the digital denomination denomination is a blue field. At an angle on it you can see the symbol of the ruble. In the image of the sun, when the banknote wiggles, a distinctly noticeable shifting shiny ring.

counterfeit money: signs of authenticity, noticeable by touch, by 2,000 rubles
Signs of authenticity, noticeable to the touch

Slide your finger along the banknote and feel how the relief strokes along the edges, the digital denomination of the denomination, the inscriptions “The ticket of the Bank of Russia” and “Two thousand rubles” are highlighted.

What to do with counterfeit money?

If you suspect that you have fake bills on your hands, do not try to get rid of them at the nearest store soon. There is a very real risk of being behind bars. The Criminal Code provides for the sale of knowingly counterfeit money to 5 years of forced labor or imprisonment for up to 8 years, plus a solid fine.

There were doubts – go to the bank. Specialists will study suspicious bills and, if necessary, send them to a thorough check. If the money turns out to be real, the commercial bank will transfer it to you on the specified account. If it turns out that you have caught a fake banknote – alas, its value will not be reimbursed.

Fakes can be turned over to the police. Tell me how and when you received this money, they will be sent for examination and will begin an investigation. Perhaps it will be possible to recover the damage if you remember exactly where you got the fake banknotes from.

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