5 rules of Selfie in Instagram

All of us have long been incorrigible daffodils. Nowadays, narcissism and the desire to share a self-portrait with all the familiar ones does not cause bewilderment and blame. But let us at least do it wisely. After all, photos with hashtags # i, # SELFI, # samseby, # self-photo, #me, #selfie became too much, and Instagram often reminds of some school competition “Who is cooler”.

1. Forget about Selfie, if you are over 21 years old

Why exactly 21 years? This is the age of majority in the United States. And America in the case of Instagram acts as a trendsetter.

Therefore, if you are more than 21 years old, you are too old to use self-portraits to collect husky and tell the news. New haircut? Wonderful! New glasses? Immediately to the studio! Unwhitched mustache? Definitely post! Do you, too? Leave it to the teens and put the camera in place!

The exception to the rule is feshen bloggers, models and all those who make a living by their appearance.

2. Make good signatures for selfies

Never write something like:

  • Bored.
  • Studying.
  • It’s time to sleep (Ready for bed).
  • Good morning! (Good morning!)
  • Training (Hitting the gym).
  • Work harder, play harder (Work hard, play hard).

If you do not go into details, just ask yourself: “What would Kim Kardashian do?” And do the opposite.

3. Generate self-portraits within reasonable limits

Selfi as a salary: most of it is issued only twice a month (down payment + balance). You did not forget that in the user’s profile photos are displayed as a grid of only 12 square previews? So, among them there should not be more than two of your selfies.

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4. Stop looking stupid

No lips with a dent. No ironic “All pussies.” No photos where you allegedly sleep. No crying kids on the background. If you do not comply with these conditions, friends have every right to make you laugh.

5. Be frank

Demonstrate their true emotions are not prohibited. You need to frankly admit that you really want to say with your picture. For example, to a photo without a shirt, the signature “Look at my inflated press, guys” fits much better than “LOL, I have a dirty mirror in my bathroom”. Be honest. Telling the truth is not bad.

Read also:

  • How to make selfies, which like not only you →
  • Why SELFI is not a sign of narcissism →
  • 40 Instagram filters and how to apply them better →

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