How to extend the life of the Android battery. The most complete manual

We want to immediately warn that this manual is unlikely to suit novice users, as it requires some knowledge, as well as determination and desire to poke in the bowels of Android. Some of the links in this article will lead you to English-language sites, so for more information you will need a basic knowledge of the foreign language. In addition, you perform all actions at your own peril and risk, and we are not responsible for the result and possible malfunctions in the operation of your device.

Well, now that all the formalities are met, let’s go!

What you need

First of all, here is a list of all the necessary tools and programs that will be used in this manual. Near some of them I cited links to articles in which you can get additional information. Each of these utilities in the article will be devoted to a separate section, which includes links for downloading and a description of the basic settings.

  • Root – “Guide to obtaining root-rights to Android.”
  • Xposed Framework – “Xposed Framework – new features for your Android”.
  • Greenify – “Save the Android smartphone battery with Greenify”.
  • Amplify.
  • MyAndroidTools.
  • AppOpsXposed.
  • AdAway – “How to remove ads in the browser and Android applications.”
  • PowerNap.

Changing the basic settings

Let’s start the instruction from what lies on the surface. The basic settings described in this section are known to everyone, but not everyone is bothering to make the necessary changes to ensure the power consumption of a smartphone or tablet.

1. Screen settings

The brightness of the screen is one of the main factors affecting the battery life. The higher the brightness, the faster the battery is discharged. It is better to change the brightness manually, rather than trust automatic adjustment. Not always automatically works correctly, and the light sensor requires additional power. Do not forget to also set the screen off time for 30 seconds or less.

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Changing the brightness Sleep

2. Transmission of data

This is very simple advice, but it really prolongs the life of the device. Switch the type of network from 3G to 2G for the time when you do not need a mobile Internet and you use a smartphone for calls only.

Data transfer option 3G

3. Wi-Fi

Even in those moments when Wi-Fi is turned off, your smartphone is looking for an affordable network. To disable this option, go to “Settings” → Wi-Fi → “Additional features” → “Always search for networks.”

WiFi settings WiFi search

4. Locating

Another energy absorber is the location service. Turn it off if you do not need it at the moment: “Settings” → “Location”.

Program settings

Now that you have optimized all the basic settings, you can begin to dive deeper. The following steps will concern system services and processes that are hidden from the view of the average user.

1. Xposed Framework

This application is a working environment that serves to run the programs we need. So the first thing to do is to take care of installing Xposed on your device.

  • For Android 4.0.3-4.4, the installation file can be downloaded here.
  • For Android 5.0+ (partial support), all the necessary files and instructions can be found in this topic. A detailed description of the installation procedure can be found here.
  • For Samsung TouchWiz ROM you can download Xposed Framework here.

2. Greenify

You can use Greenify to freeze applications and services that you do not need. Note that you will need the Greenify version (Donation Package), which contains some additional and experimental functions. After installing Greenify, you will need to activate the appropriate module in Xposed. Then activate the acceleration mode and experimental functions in the program settings.

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Greenefy xposed Greenefy mode

“Freeze” programs that consume battery power in the background. In my case, the following list turned out:

  • Browser;
  • Hike;
  • Instagram;
  • Google+
  • Messenger
  • Music;
  • Walkman;
  • UC Browser;
  • XDA;
  • Hangouts
  • Album;
  • Calendar;
  • Calendar Storage (Use alternate calendar);
  • Camera;
  • File Commander;
  • MX Player;
  • SHAREit;
  • Maps.

Do not “sleep” all programs, but only those that run in the background without the need. Do not freeze the dialer and the messaging program that you are using.

3. MyAndroidTools

With this application, you can disable unnecessary system services and background processes. First of all, you need to pay attention to the elements included in Google Play Services. Here is a list of those that you can block:

  1. AnalyticsService.
  2. FeedbackService (depends on the Play Games).
  3. AdRequestBrokerService.
  4. NetworkLocationService (Location Service).
  5. GoogleLocationManagerService (Location Service).
  6. FusedProviderService (Location Service).
  7. GeofenceProviderService (Location Service).
  8. negotiationService.
  9. WatchdogService (possibly depends on Google Play Music).
  10. WearableService (possibly depends on Google Play Music).

My Android Tools menu My Android Tools service

Be sure to disable AnalyticsService, which is added by Facebook and Facebook Messenger. In addition, in the Broadcast Recievers-Actions section, disable autostart of unnecessary programs.

4. Amplify

Amplify is the best application to save battery, which should be installed on the device of all advanced Android users. It allows you to block events that lead to the awakening of the system. It is preferable to use the full version of this program for all its functions.

Amplify process list Amplify Timing

In the free version, Amplify manages only those system processes that most concern the device:

  • NlpWakelock;
  • NlpCollectorWakeLock;

In the full version, you can set your own resolutions and wake-up timings for almost any system processes.

Alarms (Allow every 7,200 seconds):

  • android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM;
  • com.oasisfeng.greenify.CLEAN_NOW;
  • com.facebook.push.mqtt.keepalive.KeepaliveManager.;
  • com.facebook.common.executors.WakingExecutorServic

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Alarms [LOCATION] (Allow every 40,000 seconds):


Alarm (Allow every 84,000 seconds):

  • / .checkin.EventLogService $ Receiver;
  • / .checkinCheckinService% Receiver.

Wakelocks (Allow Every 7,200 seconds):

  • * net_scheduler *;
  • GCoreFlp;
  • Icing.

Wakelocks (Allow Every 40,000 seconds):

  • NlpWakeLock;
  • NlpCollectorWakeLock;
  • LocationManagerService;
  • Config Service Fetch.

Services (Block / Deny):

  • / lerService;
  • /;
  • ads.jam.NegotiationService.

5. Power Nap

Power Nap – this is a free analog of the famous technology Stamina MOD from Sony, but available, unlike the original, for any device running Android. It provides the deepest possible sleep of the device after turning off the screen. This is achieved by stopping background services and some other magic actions. In the program, you can create an exclusion list for those applications from which you still need to receive notifications.

Power Nap activate Power Nap white list

6. App Ops

You can use App Ops to disable some of the permissions for Google Play Services and the Google Services Framework.

Google Play Services:

  • Keep Awake.

Google Services Framework:

  • Keep Awake.

7. AdAway

AdAway banner

A powerful program for disabling advertising. Why should you spend the energy of the battery also on displaying banners? Just block them!

Possible problems

Delay of push notifications. If you notice that notification from applications started to arrive with some delay, then use the Push Notification Fixer program, which we wrote about in this article, to solve this problem.

Awakening the device permanently due to the Wakelock SystemUpdateService. To solve this problem, use the method that is described on this page.

I invite you to comment on all comments, corrections and gratitude in the comments. There you can share your experience on optimizing the power consumption of Android.

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