How to enlarge a member

All the magic drugs that show ads, at best make you poorer, at worst – they will harm your health. The only sure way to increase the penis is to perform the operation, but it is unlikely that it is worth the sacrifice.

What size is normal

The size of a normal member in the erect state is 10-18 cm, such a majority. Average lengthPenis size – 13.12 cm. The spread is large, and this is not even considering the thickness and shape. Pathologically small organs (less than 7.5 cm with an erection) are extremely rare. So, most likely, a man who dreams to add centimeters, worries in vain.

Of the 92 people who complained of a small member and applied to Cairo University, the owner of a really short body was not oneTreatment of men complaining of short penis . That is, 92 perfectly normal guys decided that they had small genitals when it was not so. Men with really small penises exist, but their number is not so great, as it seems to men themselves.

How to increase a member by using operations

How to increase a member by using operations

The size of the penis does not affect urination and erection. Therefore, usually any operation to increase the penis – it’s only cosmetology and it is not recommended anywhere else, except for plastic surgery clinics. Initially, such interventions were developed for men who had difficulty urinating due to trauma or birth defects.

Surgery has serious complicationsPenis Enlargement: Does It Work? :

  1. Infections.
  2. Scars formation.
  3. Impotence.
  4. Loss of sensitivity.

Therefore, it is necessary to resort to them as a last resort: not when you want more, but when there are medical problems. There are several techniques that change the size of the penis.


This is an intervention in which the ligament between the penis and bone is dissected. The sex organ, not attracted to the bone, seems longer in the erect state, because it is not held by the ligament.

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In occasion of operation it is not necessary to feed illusions. The member will not be more than doubled, not a half. No surgeon, if he is conscientious, will not say exactly how much the penis will increase. Everything depends on the anatomical features of each patient, but the growth of more than 3 cm is either luck or a myth. Therefore, only 35% of patients are satisfied with this interventionPenis-Lengthening Surgery Questioned .

Even with a successful operation, unwanted side effects may appear. Because of the dissection of the ligament, the angle of lifting of the penis will change with erection, and part of the pubic skin – along with the hairline – will turn into the skin of the base of the penis. Better not imagine how it looks.

Operations to thicken a member

To make the penis thicker, use a variety of implants from silicone or from the patient’s own tissues. These are controversial proceduresPenis Enlargement: Does It Work? , who also have many contraindications.

With the help of injections, the penis is also thicker. The patient is taken adipose tissue and injected into the penis. As a result, the body swells and becomes wider. But for a short while: the method has many unpleasant consequencesPenis enlargement . The most common – the fatty tissue begins to move unevenly under the skin. As a result, clumps form in some places, and in others – dips. To correct the form and appearance it is possible only by means of surgical intervention.

How to enlarge a penis without an operation

How to enlarge a penis without an operation

There are no “home” methods that would help make the sex organ bigger and thicker. Anything that promises an endless growth is marketing tricks or a direct deceptionPenis-enlargement products: Do they work? . Here that precisely does not work:

  1. Pills. Penis enlargement pills are food additives from a mixture of vitamins, herbs, extracts of rare ingredients and hormones. No such remedy changes the size of the penis. In addition, they are not registered as medicines, which means that nobody controls their production. Therefore it is not known what is actually in the tablet (well, if nothing).
  2. Creams, lotions. Their composition is the same as that of the additives, only the form of filing is different. Because of local irritation or swelling, a temporary effect of increase may appear, but it is unpleasant and dangerous: such cosmetics are also not checked.
  3. Infernal mixtures. Advertising lures to questionable sites and offers to compose something from balsam “Star” and baking soda or from other no less strange ingredients. In whatever proportions it is proposed to mix the constituent parts, we do not recommend applying the result to the penis, as, however, and elsewhere.
  4. Pumps. The mechanical effect on the penis causes a rush of blood and a small swelling, so for a while the penis seems bigger. But it quickly passes, and if you use pumps often, you can damage the tissues of the penis, so that it deforms or problems with erection begin.
  5. Exercises. The technique of “Jelking” is a self-massage from the base of the penis to the head with a delay in ejaculation. As with other DIY methods, the exercises have no evidence of work, and there are complications: pain and deformities.

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There is also a non-surgical method of using an extender whose modest effectiveness was confirmed by a small studyPenis enlargement . A few months of using the extender can increase the penis by 1-3 cm. But these studies are too small and are not a 100% confirmation of the effectiveness of the technique. In addition, self-enlargement is not recommended: it can lead to damage to the blood vessels, narrowing of the urethra, priapismImport Alert 78-01 .

What if the penis seems small

What if the penis seems small

How much they repeat that the size is not the main thing, men continue to worry.

The most interesting is that according to the results of interviews, women in 85% of cases like the size of the partner. Men, however, the length and girth of their penis is satisfactory only in 55% of casesPenis size .

When it does not come out not to think about the dimensions, try to do at least what is in your power.

The real opportunity to enlarge the penis is to reduce what is around it. True, this applies only to men with excessive body weight. Sometimes it is enough to lose weight, so that the surrounding tissues cease to hide the genitals. A rigid press above the middle member looks better than the abdomen over the large one.

An easier way is to tidy up vegetation if it is too riotous. For example, with a trimmer.

And remember: what is shown in porn – the result of casting and features of the shooting. Than to suffer because of an often imaginary problem, pay attention to physical health, potency and technique of sex:

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